
1.Female language in Phallocentric language;关于男性中心话语中的女性话语研究
2.The subversion and demolishment of patriarchal culture;《喜福会》:男性中心主义的颠覆与解构
3.From Male Chauvinism to Male-Feminism;从男性中心到男女两性中心——对“社会性别意识纳入决策主流”的批判性分析
4.Essentially, it is poetesses that depend on or deviate from the male-centered culture.从本质而言,它体现了女诗人对男性中心文化的依附或背离。
5.androcentric society以男性为中心的社会
6.Deconstruction of Patriarchy: Towards Eco-feminism;男权中心的解构:走向生态女性主义
7.Establish Real Psychological Resilience over Boys;在男孩中建立真正的心理弹性——倾听男孩内心的声音
8.The appearance of the ossification centers andfusing of the epiphyses in the female occur 1-3 years earlier than in the male.双手骨化中心出现及干骺愈合男、女性有区别,女性早于男性1~3岁。
9.In Jungian psychology, the masculine inner personality as present in women.男性倾向在荣格心理学中妇女所具有的男性内在个性
10."In Jungian psychology, the masculine inner personality as present in women."在荣格心理学中妇女所具有的男性内在个性。
11.On the Tendency of Masculinization of Japanese Women s Language;日本女性语言的男性化——以句尾表现为中心
12.On O Neill s Feminism under the Hegemonic Masculinity;论奥尼尔戏剧中男权中心主义下的女性观
13.Hair loss is probably the one thing that causes men more anxiety than anything else in their lives.脱发可能是生活中最让男性心烦的事情了。
14.A Case-Control Study of the Relationship between Small to Medium Quantity of Cigarette Smoking and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Male男性小、中量吸烟与冠心病关系的病例对照研究
15.The Effect of Half-court Entertaining Basketball on Physical and Mental Health of Middle-aged Men;半场娱乐篮球对中年男性身心健康的影响
16.Music Effects Person Physiology and Psychology in Healthy Running;音乐对健身跑中男性大学生的身心影响
17.On the "Novels About Men and Women"of Watanabe Junichi--With a Focus on the"Sexual Love Complex";浅议渡边淳一的“男女小说”——以其“性爱情结”为中心
18.Cross-sectional Study of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Male Senior Residents in Tian Jin天津中老年男性心血管病危险因素调查与分析

male-centered ideology男性中心论
4)male-dominated discourse男性中心话语
5)male-centered consciousness男性中心意识
1.This article uses the theories of anthropology and mental analysis as the reference for displaying the thought of the denotation “the historical intermediate” in Grieved over the Death and showing Luxun’s distinctive character, who surpassed male-centered consciousness.以人类学、精神分析学理论作参照的分析 ,意在揭示《伤逝》文本外化着鲁迅“历史的中间物”思考 ,呈现出超越男性中心意识的特
1.Moreover, they view anthropocentrism as a symptom of a much deeper problem: androcentrism.生态女性主义者认为男性中心主义对女性的支配和人类中心主义对自然的征服是相互关联的,而且人类中心主义是男性中心主义这一更为深刻问题的表面症状。
2.It accepts the value-free and objective principles of investigation,criticizing the tendency of sexism and androcentrism in the traditional epistemology,claiming to structure an objective and unbiased epistemology which reflects the truthfulness of nature and society in virtue of women’s participate and strict obeying the ideal criterion of epistemology.它接受坚持价值中立和客观性的实证主义的研究原则,批判了传统知识论中的男性中心主义倾向,主张借助女性的参与,通过严格遵守理想的知识论范式,建立反映自然和社会真实面貌的、客观的、无偏见的知识论。
3.In Light in August by William Faulkner,through the depiction of the confrontation,contradiction,insanity and desperation of some distorted figures tortured by ethnocentrism and androcentrism,the writer successfully deconstructs and undermines logocentrism and reconstructs the grand notion of humanism.统制西方意识形态的逻各斯中心主义使人们用二元对立的思维模式和心理常态来看待世界、规范社会:善/恶、人/自然、男性/女性、理性/感性、在场/缺失……在福克纳的长篇小说《八月之光》中,作者生动描写了一系列受到种族中心主义和男性中心主义戕害的人物角色。

不完全性遗传性男性假两性畸形综合征Ⅰ型不完全性遗传性男性假两性畸形综合征Ⅰ型  病名。亦称雄激素抵抗综合征Ⅰ型。系X伴性遗传。性腺正常,精子产生不足。中肾管发育程度不一,中肾管衍生器官缺如。临床症状包括各种亚综合征(以前认为是独立疾病):从表现为女性的Lub综合征到GilberDreyfus综合征和Reifenstein综合征,直到至均不呈男性表现型的Rosewaters综合征。每种亚综合征各有其有关的心理问题和对调整性别的不同需要。体征从具有假阴道的女性表现型(Lub综合征)到正常不育男性(尿道下裂常见),体毛正常,胡须稀少或缺如。染色体研究示男性性染色体46XY核型。血液的睾酮生成正常或增高,雌激素生成高于正常男子,促性腺激素水平增高。治疗因各种亚综合征而异。对睾酮的雄激素同化作用有抵抗性。预后良好。不影响寿命。