1.Pagan Mythology and the Young Romanticists;异教神话与“年轻的浪漫主义者”

1.Of or relating to heresy or heretics.异教的,异教徒的异教异教徒的或与其有关的
2.A pagan or heathen.异教徒或不信教的人
3.the conversion of pagans to Christianity异教徒的改信基督教
4.Of or having to do with heathens.异教徒的或与异教徒有关的
5.One who is not a Christian, Moslem, or Jew; a heathen.异教徒基督教、犹太教或伊斯兰教徒以外的人;异教
6.A non - Christian, especially a Moslem.异教徒非基督教教徒,尤指穆斯林
7.A heretical or unorthodox religious belief.宗教信仰异教的或非正统的宗教信仰
8.The followers of such a religion or sect.异教徒该种宗教或宗教派别的追随者
9.war against the infidels对异教徒发动的战争
10.the blasphemies of the heretic异教徒对神只的亵渎.
11.To make or become pagan.使成为或变为异教
12.pagan worship of the sun异教徒对太阳的崇拜.
13.A man who has fought successfully against infidels.成功地抗击异教徒的人
14.ourselves and the pagan,我们同异教徒之间,
15.the ancient heathen in habitants of the place该处古老的异教徒居民
16.Not Christian, Moslem, or Jewish.异教徒的不是基督教、伊斯兰教或犹太教教徒的
17.Professing no religion; heathen.无宗教信仰的,异教的公开声称无宗教的;异教徒的
18.Don't graft a pagan custom upon Christian institution别将异教习俗移入基督教的习惯做法。

3)enlighten the heathen教化异教徒
4)teaching in other places异地教学
5)differentiated instruction差异教学
1.Study on The Teacher s Teaching Ability Based on Differentiated Instruction;基于差异教学的教师教学能力研究
2.The Effects of Differentiated Instruction on College Non-English Major Learners English Writing Ability;差异教学对非英语专业大学生英语写作能力的影响
3.On the Principles of Differentiated Instruction试论差异教学的教学原则
6)differentiating instruction差异教学
1.To bring differentiating instruction into practice in teaching physics agricultural and forestry colleges;差异教学在高等农林院校物理教学中的实施
2.This paper has introduced the teaching thought of the differentiating instruction into the group cooperation learning,and regard students individual differences as the starting point, from three respects of school grade, intellectual type, gender differences to make the discussion of how to carry on more rational teaching in grouping learning.小组合作学习是一种重要的教学方式,本文将差异教学思想引入小组合作学习,以学生差异为出发点,从学习成绩、智能类型、性别差异三方面,对如何进行更为合理的教学分组进行了探讨。
3.Differentiating instruction means creating multiple paths so that students of different abilities, interest or learning styles to develop himself.差异教学是依据学生的能力、兴趣和风格的差异提供不同的方法以促进学生发展的教学理念。

异教1.不同的教化。 2.不是自己所信奉的宗教。 3.特指非正统的宗教。 4.非正统的思想学派。