1.Study on the Draft And Salary Restriction of Foreign Playes in CBA;对CBA联赛外援选秀和限薪制度的探讨
2.This paper analyzed the mechanism of draft in CBA using literature review,questionnaire and expert talk,pointed out some problems in organization,clause and management,gave some advice on import and management of foreign players.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和专家访谈法,就目前CBA职业篮球联赛外援统一选秀的机制进行分析和探讨。

1.He was chosen as the th pick in the annual draft of the NBA.他在NBA年度选秀中是第36位入选者。
2.The Communication Studies of Talent-search Reality Shows in China;中国选秀类“真人秀”节目发展的传播学思考
3.On the Balance and the Game in the TV Hunting for Stars--From the Angle of Communication and Culture电视选秀中的平衡与博弈——从传播和文化角度看“选秀
4.I am very proud to come from a talent show.我很自豪自己是选秀节目出身的。
5.The lottery determines the first three teams to select in the draft.由抽签决定哪3支球队首先选秀
6.The NBA draft consists of only two rounds,with a total of 58 players chosen.NBA选秀只有两轮,共有58名运动员供
7.Voting via Phone Messages and "the Narrative System" of Talent Show;“短信投票”与选秀节目“叙事系统”
8.The Analysis of Programmable Elements in Domestic TV Selecting-performers Show;国内电视选秀节目的程式化要素分析
9.The "Talent Show" of China in the Mass Culture Background;大众文化视角下的我国电视选秀节目
10.A Reseache about the Contemporary Chinese Aesthetic Pursuit of Grass-root Show in China;“选秀”节目与当今中国审美诉求的研究
11.Best Chinese Stories中国优秀短篇小说选
12.She' s an excellent ` tennis player.她是优秀的网球选手.
13.She cheered for a good player.她为优秀选手喝采叫好。
14.The best will be chosen and the best you find among women and men," she said.最优秀的人--男人和女人中最优秀的人会被选中。
15.It was named the best documentary of the year.它被选为这一年最优秀的文献记录片。
16.The athletes who are selected to compete in the Olympic Games are all very excellent.选报奥运会的运动员都是优秀的。
17.She is one of the best hurdlers in the world.她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
18.She is one of the best hurdler In the world她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一

media show for selecting performers媒体选秀
3)TV show电视选秀
1.On influence of TV show upon juveniles;论电视选秀节目对青少年的影响
2.As a new kind of culture,TV shows are quite popular over China,which reflects the changes in the theory of knowledge and methodology from the logic paradigm to the phenomenological paradigm.作为一种新兴的文化潮流,愈演愈烈的“电视选秀”反映出人们在认识论、方法论上从逻辑学范式到现象学范式的变化。
4)NBA DraftNBA选秀
5)drafting team选秀球队
6)drafted player选秀球员

班秀文妇科医论医案选班秀文妇科医论医案选 医论医案著作。班秀文著。系作者从事妇科临床40余年的经验总结。书分上、下篇。上篇为医论,论述胞宫、奇经、妊脉的生理病理及对经病、崩漏、带下、胎前等病证的治疗体会,并有“《金匮》方与逍遥散在妇科临床的运用”等论。下篇介绍医案,选载经、带、胎、产及妇科杂病等个人验案近80则。1987年由人民卫生出版社出版。