1.The issue and thesis statement;Self-identity is a universal and an eternal issue for people as social beings; due to the diversity and the ever-changing nature of human experience,there is always reoccurring or new need to probe this issue in a new context.论题的缘起;寻找自我这个话题一直为人们广泛关注,因为作为生活在社会中群体中的个人容易迷失自我,究竟怎样的我才是真我?尤其是青少年处于身体和心理发展和转折期,青少年彷徨在童年和成年人之间,对自我更加缺乏明确的了解和定义,这个时期如果缺乏成人正确的引导和关注,他们将会经历自我定位的危机。

1.I never regretted taking time to "find myself".我从未因花费时间去“寻找自我”而后悔。
2.On the protagonist s pursuit of identity in invisible man;《看不见的人》中主人公寻找自我的历程
3.Search for Identity;寻找自我——评M·H·金斯顿小说《女斗士》
4.Self-finding on the Road of Finding Father--On the Female Initiative Novel of Hungry Daughter;在寻父的路上寻找自我——论女性成长小说《饥饿的女儿》
5.Seeking Selfhood--Inquiring the Subsistent State of the Dramatis Personae Scarlett in “Gone with the Wind”寻找自我——论《飘》之主人公郝思嘉的生存状态
6.Sad Melody for Picking on Oneself--An Analysis of 《No.19 Room》 by Doris Lessing寻找自我的悲歌——浅析多丽丝·莱辛的《十九号房间》
7.The Quest of Selfhood-A Social Psychological Reading of J.M. Coetzee s Disgrace;“寻找自我”—从社会心理学角度解读库切之《耻》
8.A Journey in Search of Self: on Saul Bellow s Henderson the Rain King;寻找自我的旅程:评索尔·贝娄的《雨王汉德森》
9.In Search of One s Self--A Black Feminist Reading on the Color Purple;寻找自我——从黑人女性主义视角对《紫色》的解读
10.Submitting-Resisting-Transcending: the Course of Black Women s Self-seeking in Sula;认同 反抗 超越——《秀拉》中黑人女性寻找自我的历程
11.Find Themselves Confused--Terpretation of the Contemporary Art Oil Paintings of Women寻找自我的迷茫——解读当代女性油画艺术
12.Escaping and Pursuing--The Process of Tie Ning s Pursuing Selfhood;逃离与追寻——铁凝寻找“自我”的历程
13.As the tide receded (from the shore) we were able to look for shells.潮水(自岸边)退去, 我们就能寻找贝壳了.
14.I raked the ads for a bicycle for sale.我仔细找寻出售自行车的广告。
15.On Edna Pontellier s Quest for Self in Kate Chopin s the Awakening;论凯特·肖邦《觉醒》中女人公的自我寻找
16.The Way to Individuality Through Conflict and Cohesion;在冲突与融合中寻找个性的“自我”
17.“Last Orders”-A Psychological Journey;《最后的遗言》—寻找“自我”的心灵之旅
18.Lu Xun s Self-Worth Seeking--A New Explanation of Autumn Night;鲁迅自我的找寻——《秋夜》的再解读

3)I am Looking for Myself我在寻找我自己
4)self-identifi cation自我身份寻找
5)search for the self寻找迷失的自我
1.Hardy discusses such topics as cosmic absurdity, alienation, and search for the self.哈代在作品中详细探讨了存在主义的一些主题,其中包括宇宙荒谬论、异化和寻找迷失的自我等。
6)Searching for Voice寻找自我的声音
