1.Gradually, it is transferred from a kind of mental activity to a form of literary writing; by the end of 1950s and later on, it has come into being as an independent genre of literature—fantasy literature.奇幻伴随着人类的想象力而至,这股想象的原动力在我们人类悠久的演化路途中不断丰富发展,由一种思维活动转化为一种文学创作形式,直至20世纪中后期形成了具有独立意义的文学类型——奇幻文学。

1.From Unreliable Imagination to Mysterious Fantasy: a Comparative Study of Thought of Fantasy and Illusion in Chungtse and Lotus Sutra由玄幻到奇幻:《庄子》、《法华经》幻想思维比较研究
2.Fantastic Voyage(1966)奇幻的旅行(美国影片)
3.The Aictory of Fantasy--About Modern Western Fantasy Literature;幻想的胜利——浅论西方现代奇幻文学
4.Ms Eileen Chang s Romance and the Modernity of the Fantastic Fictions;张爱玲《传奇》与奇幻小说的现代性
5.On the Development of Mystery Fantasy Literature of China from the Perspective of the Pursuit of Humanistic Spirit in Liduan s Mystery Fantasy Fictions;从丽端奇幻小说的人文追求看中国奇幻文学的发展
6.Question on the New Film Genre;何奇之有?——质疑《奇幻电影:我们时代的镜像》
7.Disneyland is often called a @Magic Kingdom@.人们常把迪斯尼乐园称为“奇幻的王国”。
8.They have entered a fairyland, a place full of mysteries and fantasies, oddities and adventures.感受着神秘与奇幻,经历着怪诞与惊险。
9.Gothic Legacy in Modern Fantasy Fiction in the West;西方现代奇幻小说中的“哥特”因素探源
10.Sustenance of Love and Desire from the Magic Female Image in Song Legend;宋传奇幻化女性形象中爱与欲的寄托
11.The Fantasy Travel of the Middle Earth:--An Interpretation of the Lord of the Rings;中州世界的奇幻之旅:解析《魔戒》
12.Polyphonic Characteristics of Life of Pi《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》的复调艺术特色
13.fleeing in terror from hallucinatory wolves; the bizarre hallucinatory dreams of fever- Jean Stafford.恐惧的逃离幻想中的狼;发烧引起的奇幻的梦境-吉恩·斯达夫德。
14.an imaginary realm of marvels or wonders.充满奇迹的幻想的地方。
15.Like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new,像梦幻奇境,那么变化无穷,美丽新奇,
16.an auditory hallucination of strange nonverbal sounds.对于奇异声响的听觉幻想。
17.The involute progression of hallucination is strange.幻觉的复杂的发展过程很奇特。
18.He fell into a strange, blissful reverie.他沉溺在一种奇怪的,幸福的幻觉之中。

Container of Illusion奇幻体
3)fantasy fiction奇幻小说
1.The fantasy fiction has made a sweeping fad in recent years in the Chinese book market.奇幻小说近年来在中国图书市场形成了一股不可忽视的热潮。
2.Currently,the study of fantasy fiction has just been unfolding.当前,奇幻小说研究方兴未艾。
3.As the famous "Long Qiang Chronicles," "Long Qiang legend," "Dark Wizard," and so on, so that Chinese readers have a comprehensive understanding of the western fantasy fiction、fantasy works role-setting、various elements of fantasy novels.自20世纪90年代中期以来,除了《哈利·波特》和《魔戒》,还有大量的国外奇幻小说作品被引进和介绍到中国。
4)fantasy literature奇幻文学
1.The Aictory of Fantasy——About Modern Western Fantasy Literature;幻想的胜利——浅论西方现代奇幻文学
2.It is urgent that the mystery fantasy fiction of China should have its own revolution when fantasy literature of China undergoes its bottleneck period.在中国奇幻文学遭遇发展停滞的瓶颈时期,奇幻文学的转型成为迫在眉睫的问题。
3.It also raises a flag for this age\'s children\'s literature and fantasy literature: popular and classic.并为这个时代的儿童文学和奇幻文学竖起了一面旗帜,流行并且经典。
5)miraculous scene奇境幻遇
1.WANG Tao first opened up the global i miraculous scene" from the perspective of the"globe unification"theory.王韬从"地球合一"说出发,率先开辟全球性"奇境幻遇"。
6)odd order magic square奇阶幻方

奇幻乐园位于安大略的枫叶市 (maple)。是安大略最大的主题公园,以六个主题游乐区为特色,包括加拿大境内唯一的站立式圈状云霄飞车。