
1.Tranquillity sudden, vast, candescent: form of forms.突兀、浩翰、炽烈的静穆:形态的形态。
2.add a solemnity and quiet to the scene给这个场面增添了(庄严)静穆的气氛
3.There was a momentary silence, profound as what should follow the utterance of oracles.那一刹那的静穆,如同宣告了神谕之后一般深沉。
4.Qin Terracotta Army and the Ancient Greek Sculpture Comparison静穆之动——秦俑与古希腊雕塑艺术比较初探
5.Religious Solemn and Transcendent Expression--A Review of Dong Ying’s Poem The Sound of the Wind from Lowland宗教般静穆 超然的表情——评冬婴《低处的风声》
6.The storm had passed, leaving a calm, clean-washed night sky behind it.暴风雨过去了,留下的是一个静穆的月华如水的夜空。
7.After that painful scene the quiet of nature was wonderfully poignant.经过适才痛苦的一幕,大自然的静穆特别给人一种清新的感觉。
8.The giant stone Buddha is properly shaped with accurate proportions, a solemn expression and a strong sense of movement.佛像全身比例匀称,造型饱满壮硕,姿态庄严静穆,气势雄伟,
9.Discussion on the Physical Beauty of Dazu Caves;静穆中的伟大——论大足石刻艺术人体美的含蓄表达
10.From Sobriety to Revelry──Ponderation over the Text of On-line Dialogue;从静穆走向狂欢——由网络对话引发的文本思考及断想
11.Noble Innocence in the Solemn and Quiet Spiritual Quest:The Thematic Transition of Lin Mei’s Fiction高贵的单纯,静穆的求索——论林湄小说创作主题的转变
12.It is difficult to walk around the quiet courts of the Colleges without felling a sense of peace and scholarship.信步静穆的学院庭院之中,不能不使人感觉到一种恬静和学术的气氛。
13.An ear-splitting noise of merrymaking issued from the open windows, and died out far away under the serene evening sky.震耳的欢笑声,从窗口传出去,一直传到很远,消逝在极远的静穆暮霭之中。
14.How still the trees were, with their crinkly, innumerable twigs against the sky, and their grey, obstinate trunks rising from the Brown Bracken!那些树木是多么静穆,无数弯曲的树枝向天空上伸,灰色的树干,倔强地从棕争的蕨草丛中直立!
15.Regressing the Classic and Searching Quietness-Searching into the Painting Teaching in the First Studio of Fine Art Department in the Surikof Institute of Fine Art;回归古典 寻找静穆——俄罗斯苏里科夫美院绘画系第一工作室绘画教学研究
16.The most striking peculiarities of this scene were its solemn solitude and sweet repose.庄严肃穆、恬静幽美,是这个布景最显著的特点。
17.Too much gaiety or laughter would jar upon their almost sacred quiet.过多的欢乐和嬉笑都会干扰她们那几乎神圣肃穆的宁静。
18.In the cemetery, age-old trees stand in great numbers, pines and cypress are tall and straight, the surroundings are quiet.陵园内古木林立,松柏挺拔,环境清幽静谧,气氛庄严肃穆。

conception solemn and quiet poem style静穆诗风
3)A Review of "Solemn and Quiet Theory"静穆说再议
4)introverted solemn and calm sense of beauty内倾型的静穆美
1.It’s her personality system that runs in the form of a "semantic field", which has a kernel of meaning, a introverted solemn and calm sense of beauty.这个"场"的意义内核--愫方内倾型的静穆美,在她从自我异化到自我超越的过程中发散开来,在整部戏剧中,此种发散在人物性格的对比与矛盾冲突之中展开。
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