2)Appreciating and analyzing English movies and TV programs影视作品赏析
3)video works影视作品
1.Since the practical application of multimedia technology is closely connected to some related academic fields, the making of multimedia video works require not only a knowledge of the software and hardware environment of multimedia but some of the techniques of the other related fields.文章以影视作品的创作为实例,以多媒体技术的应用为主线,分析、阐述了影视作品的策划、设计、拍摄和后期制作要点。
2.The application of video works in medical ethics teaching could be classified into material-type and conclusion-type.医学伦理学教学中影视作品的应用可采取素材式或总结式。

1.Studio manager; supervisor; executive(/ supervising) producer;监督摄制影视作品的人
2.The Difference of Creation between Commercial Film and Normal Programs影视广告与常规影视作品创作差异分析
3.The Impact of English Movies on Students' Listening and Speaking Ability英美影视作品对英语听说能力的影响
4.The Selecting and Processing of Film and TV Works While Teaching English Through Them;英语影视教学中影视作品的选择与加工
5.Study on Animation in the Popular Science Movies and TV Programs;科学教育影视作品中的动画设计研究
6.A Pragmatic Study of Gender Differences in Conversations of Movies;影视作品对话中性别差异的语用研究
7.On Principles of Movie Title Translation;外国影视作品名称翻译的原则性探究
8.The Empirical Study of Product Placement Advertisements Evaluation at Movies and TV Series影视作品中植入式广告传播效果研究
9.The Culture Perspective of Chinese Films and TV Drama Programs on the Subject of War after 1990s九十年代后中国战争题材影视作品的文化审视
10.Sociological Reflections on the Third Party Existed in Films and TV Plays影视作品视角下第三者问题的社会学思考
11.The Effect of 1980s Movie and TV Works on Domestic Costumes;二十世纪八十年代影视作品对国内着装的影响
12.On Symbot Mark and Exoression of Domestic Showbiz with Hollywood Movie;论国产影视作品与好莱坞电影的符号与表达
13.The Effect of English Movies and Teleplays on the Students Listening and Speaking Capabilities;试论英文影视作品对学生英语听说能力的作用
14.The assistance instruction of western films in college english teaching;英美影视作品对大学英语教学的辅助作用
15.A Tentative Discussion on the Effect of Painting Motif in Drama,TV,and Film;浅析画面基调在戏剧与影视作品中的作用
16.Analysis of visual performance of dress color in the teleplay “Palace of Desire”;服装色彩在影视作品中的视觉表现——以电视剧《大明宫词》为例
17.On Two Different Layers Between Film and TV Program Subtitle Translation--Talking about the Incomplete Coincident Relationship Between Film and TV Program Scenario Translation and Subtitle Translation;论影视作品字幕翻译的两个不同层面——影视作品文本翻译与字幕翻译的不完全重合关系
18."Domestic TV productions have become more violent."“而且,国内的影视作品中的暴力镜头也越来越多。”

Appreciating and analyzing English movies and TV programs影视作品赏析
3)video works影视作品
1.Since the practical application of multimedia technology is closely connected to some related academic fields, the making of multimedia video works require not only a knowledge of the software and hardware environment of multimedia but some of the techniques of the other related fields.文章以影视作品的创作为实例,以多媒体技术的应用为主线,分析、阐述了影视作品的策划、设计、拍摄和后期制作要点。
2.The application of video works in medical ethics teaching could be classified into material-type and conclusion-type.医学伦理学教学中影视作品的应用可采取素材式或总结式。
4)films and television programs影视作品
1.As the foundation of Marxist theory of "artistic reality" and "historical fact",through comparing literature with history,this text pointed out such phenomenon in the contemporary literary works and films and television programs as ignoring history,distorting history at will and violating the creation principle of historical literary,analysed the reasons and stated the solutions.本文以马克思主义的艺术真实和历史真实的理论为基础,通过对历史和文学的比较,指出了当代文学作品和影视作品中出现的无视历史真实,随意篡改历史,违背历史文学创作原理的现象。
5)perspective of films and TV plays影视作品视角
6)Analysis of works作品分析

作品分析法作品分析法product analytic method  作品分析法(P roduet analytic method)通过对被试各种活动的产物为日记、作文、自传、科学或艺术创作等的分析,了解其心理活动进行的水平、特点以及其个性心理特征。又叫活动产品研究法。通过这种方法,可以了解人的知识、技能、技巧、对事物的态度、智力、能力的水平等。在研究儿童心理活动时这是一种常用的方法。此法还有一种特别的意义,即它的作用可以超越时间和空间的局限。例如,对古人的心理活动的特点就可通过分析他们的活动产品如著作、书法、绘画、言论等来加以研究。 (王启康撰粤璐赞审)