1.Neonarrative;or How to Render the Unnarratable in Realist Fiction and Contemporary Film;新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述之事

1.“Neo-narratology” or “Narratologies”?--Thoughts Triggered by the Chinese Translation of Narratologies;“新叙事学”还是“复数的叙事学”?——从《新叙事学》译名说起
2.Neonarrative;or How to Render the Unnarratable in Realist Fiction and Contemporary Film;新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述之事
3.A New Vision in Fiction Narration: Space Narration;小说叙事研究的新视野——空间叙事
4.A Narrative Pitfall to Narration:A Fresh Inquiry into the Narrative skills of Quixote;叙述的陷阱——《堂吉诃德》叙事技巧新探
5.Deconstruction and Construction:The New Historical Narrative Characteristics of New Stories;解构与建构:《故事新编》的新历史主义叙事特征
6.The Narrative Method of "New Stories" and New Historical Novels;《故事新编》与新历史主义小说的叙事方式
7.From the "New Novels" to "Wusi Novels"--The Origin of Legend Narration and Chinese Modern Novels;从“新小说”到“五四小说”——传奇叙事与中国现代小说叙事发端
8.Modern Women s Narration and Gender;时代女性的叙事与性别——20世纪二三十年代文学中的新女性叙事
9.From class-narrative form to ecology-narrative form--Case interpretation of unhuman novels in the new era;从阶级叙事到生态叙事——新时期“非人类”小说的个案解读
10.A Pioneering Monograph of Teleplay Narratology--A Review of Yang Xinmin s Academic Achievements in A Study of Teleplay Narrative;电视剧叙事理论的开山之作——评杨新敏的《电视剧叙事研究》
11.The Individual Narration Depending on Individual Experience--A Discussion on the Narration Pattern of the Novel by the Cenozoic Writer;依靠个体经验的个人化叙事——论新生代作家小说的叙事模式
12.The Old Formulized Statement That is Ever New-- On the Narrative Art in the Story about Uphill Dream;古老而常新的模式化叙述——论“发迹变泰”故事的叙事艺术
13.A Critical Summary of Recent Narratological Study in China;近三年叙事学在中国的研究述评——兼议叙事学研究新方向
14.Creative Narrative-Contents Change in Yuhua s Novels;富有创新精神的叙事——论余华小说叙事内容的转变
15.The Shift of Angle in Narration of Chinese Novels and the Innovationof Narrating Methods in Lotsan Travels;中国长篇小说叙事角度的转变及《老残游记》叙事方法的革新
16.The Study of Narrative Folk Song's Oral Historical Character--A Sinkiang Torgud Mongol Narrative Folk Song Case叙事民歌口述性研究——以新疆土尔扈特蒙古族叙事民歌为例
17.Will Narratology Have a New Space of Theory?--On Development Path and Humanization Possibility of Narratology叙事学还有新的理论空间吗?——论叙事学的发展道路及其人学化可能
18."Hero" in Narrative and Narrating "Hero"--On the Theme and Complex of "Hero" in Contemporary Media Narrative;英雄的叙事与叙事的英雄——论当代新闻叙事中的英雄母题与英雄情结

journalistic narrative新闻叙事
1.From the perspective of journalistic narrative, it attempts to analyze the demerits of eulogistic reporting,thinkng that its weaknesses mainly consist in the formalization and patternization of journalistic narrative,tedious pseud-narrative and the lack of journalistic value,etc.从新闻叙事的角度对表彰报道中存在的缺失进行探析,认为其不足之处主要表现在新闻叙事的程序化和模式化、干瘪的"伪"叙事以及新闻价值的缺乏等方面。
2.New-century fiction shows a kind of mixture of literary narrative and journalistic narrative.新世纪小说呈现出文学叙事与新闻叙事的杂糅和纠缠。
3)news narration新闻叙事
1.News narration is influenced by the emergence of commercial,conventional,and timely public culture jointly with the development of new media technology and modern publicity circulation,which make the subjects of news narration more popular and individual,the content more entertaining and lively,and the techniques more perpetual,story-like and fresh.其中,作为商业性、世俗性和时效性的大众文化的产生,与新媒体技术和现代传播手段的发展,共同影响着其中的新闻叙事,使叙事的主体更加平民化、个体化,使叙事的内容更加娱乐化、日常生活化,使叙事的方法更加感性化、故事化和陌生化。
2.As can be found that, in the field of news practice,“infor-story”is in vogue, while in the field of news theory, news narration is concerned by researchers.近年来,新闻作为一种重要的叙事类型已逐渐为新闻学界和新闻业界所认可,体现在新闻实践中,便是“新闻故事化”的日趋盛行,而新闻理论研究中,新闻叙事也受到相当一批学者的关注,并有相关理论成果面世,这些均促进了新闻叙事学研究的蓬勃开展。
3.This paper grasps and generalizes the key characteristics of the paradigm shift of news narration since 1990\'s.本文对1990年代以来的新闻叙事的范式转换特点做了提纲挈领式的概括和分析。
4)news narrative新闻叙事
1.The essay is concerned with the following aesthetic characters“lifelike”、 “picturesque”、“refined”and expounds the relationship between aesthetic characteristice and news narrative.文章从史传文学中的“传神”、“如画”、“蕴藉”等审美特性入手,阐述了与新闻叙事的关系。
2.Newspaper narrative is one kind of the media forms of news narrative.报纸新闻叙事是新闻叙事的一种传媒表现形态,它以报纸为载体叙述新闻事件,传播新闻信息,表达报道意见,体现了将新闻信息作为叙述内容,由叙述者(记者、编辑和媒体)传递给接受者(读者)的一种动态过程。
5)new narrative element叙事新质
6)Narrative innovation叙事创新
