
1.Out of Extreme Ugliness and Exaggeration Comes Beauty夸张变形 丑极而美——解读于庆成的泥人作品
2.The animal figures are portrayed with artistic exaggeration and create a ferocious, mysterious and dignified mood.这种动物纹样,是经过高度艺术夸张变形而刻划出来的。纹样衬托出一种狰狞、神秘、威严的气氛。
3.Deformation and exaggeration are the motivities of the art of calligraphy development, Li script inherits form seal character and it is the fountainhead of regular script.书法艺术发展的原动力就是变形与夸张。
4.To use hyperbole;exaggerate.夸张使用夸张手法,夸张
5.The overhanging eaves are eye-catching and are accompanied below by transformed and exaggerated托檐石 and fine decorative moldings.檐口出挑明显,檐下饰以变形夸张的托檐石与精美装饰线脚。
6.(3) artistically expressing means and techniques of Expressionism (fable, symbol, metaphor, exaggeration, deformation, irony, etc).(3)表现主义艺术表现手法及技巧(寓言、象征、隐喻、夸张、变形、反讽等)。
7.The paper expressed the necessarity of exaggeration and deformation with which animal figures are sculptured, and value of the far -- reaching atmosphere in arts.本文阐明了动物雕塑造型夸张、变形的必要性,以及意境深遂的价值;
8.Strange animation role vision image and animation image, performance exaggeration, distortion visual esthetic tensity;离奇的动画角色视觉形象和动画意象,表现夸张、变形的视觉审美张力;
9.In terms of the basic semantic elements, Hyperbloe embraces the object, the image and the point of hyperbole.夸张辞格,就其基本语义要素来说,包括夸张物、张形象和夸张点三个方面的内容。
10.Its sculpting seeks for briefness,variation,contrast and exaggeration.而其造型手法追求简洁、变化、对比、夸张;
11.The essay expounds the deformation and exaggeration of Li script respectively before and after Han dynasty in the aspects of the use of strokes、structure、presentation、etc.文章分别从古隶和汉隶的用笔、结体、章法等方面阐述隶书的变形与夸张。
12.it is no exaggeration to say that his writings are both brilliant, and elegant.用笔底生花来形容他的写作一点都不夸张。
13.She will pile on the agony when she describes her visit to the dentist.提起看牙医的情形她会大肆夸张拔牙的疼痛。
14.Orbit Design for Satellite Kuafu-A Based on Invariant Manifolds基于不变流形的夸父卫星A轨道设计
15.The use of exaggeration or distortion to make a figure appear comic or ridiculous.夸张讽刺:为了使文中的人物显得可笑而使用的夸张或扭曲人物形象的手法。
16.Of, relating to, or employing hyperbole.夸张法的有夸张属性的,与夸张有关的,或用夸张法的
17.I'm not boasting, and don't wish to.我并不是在夸张,我也不希望夸张。
18.(2) To express exaggeration with concepts,which are the counterparts of numbers.2.数字形式投射为概念,借助概念表达夸张的语义;

Deformation and exaggeration变形与夸张
3)exaggeration and distortion夸张和变形
1.On the Combination of Exaggeration and Distortion in Chinese and Western Paintings;论中西绘画夸张与变形艺术的统一
2.Research on the Psychological Mechanism of Exaggeration;关于夸张修辞心理机制的研究
3.Real and Fake Exaggerations and Cognitive Thinking Model夸张的真假与认知思维模式
1.In order to represent interesting of animation,it is important that the outstanding role type,design unexpected and exaggerated dramatic plot,as well as anti-tradition ending.认为动画的趣味性表现,不仅要确定不一般的角色类型,而且要有让人始料不及、夸张的戏剧性剧情设计以及反传统而行之的转折性结局。

大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)  daba neibubianxing guanCe大坝内部变形观测见水工建筑物变形观测。