群体心理,group psychology
1)group psychology群体心理
1.General and specific characters of group psychology;群体心理个性与共性特征
2.It is the concentrated expression of group psychology.它是群体心理的集中反映。

1.The cause of the group panic and its removal--Interpretation of group mentality from the spread of SARS;群体恐慌心理的成因及其消弥——从“非典”流行事件解读群体心理
2.Reading Therapy and Psychological Diathesis Development of Special College Students Groups;大学生特殊群体心理特点与阅读疗法
3.Advances in Chinese Professionals Mental Health;中国不同职业群体心理健康研究进展
4.New Research on Actual Mental Health Condition in Different Communities in China;我国不同群体心理健康现状的新调查
5.Investigation and Analysis of Psychological Pressure of Inferior College Students;大学生弱势群体心理压力的调查分析
6.On the psychological barriers of the disadvantaged among college students and countermeasures;大学生弱势群体心理障碍及教育对策
7.On the Relationship between Ultra-nationalism Current of Thought and Group Psychology;超国家主义思潮与群体心理关系刍议
8.Analyze and Countermeasure of Psychology Codition of Teachers College Student Group;师专学生群体心理状况的分析及对策
9.The Research on Healthy Education of the Disadvantaged Group of University Students高校学生弱势群体心理健康教育研究
10.On the Psychological Problems and Psychological Adjustment of the Peasants Class in Our Country;农村农民群体的心理问题和心理调适
11.Event-group Psychological Theory of the Team Sport Events with Antagonism and Same Court;集体性同场对抗性项目项群心理理论
12.Analysis of the Group Mind and Educational Psychology of the Mongolian Nationality in Xinjiang;新疆蒙古族群体的民族心理与教育心理分析
13.Analysis on the Political Psychology of the Contemporary Farmer Vulnerable Groups in China;当代中国农民弱势群体政治心理研究
14.The Study of the Strategies to Help the Psychological-inferior Community in University Students;帮助大学生心理弱势群体的对策研究
15.An Analysis of Police Psychological State in Handling Group Events;群体性事件处置中警察心理状态分析
16.An Analysis of Participants and Their Psychological Characteristics in Mass Events;群体性事件人员构成与心理特征分析
17.Analysis and Strategy of Rural Disabled Group s Mental Status;农村弱势群体的心理状态分析及对策
18.Pay Close Attention to the Campus “psychological disadvantaged groups ";关注高校校园内的“心理弱势群体”

mass psychology群体心理
1.From the angle of spiritual ecology,the interaction of mass psychology and mass media program will influence the mass s harmonious development of spirit.从精神生态的角度来看,群体心理和大众传媒节目的相互作用会直接影响到社会大众群体精神的和谐健康发展。
2.Behind its pursuit,there hides a mental world that is based on mass psychology.为了实现这一目标,民粹主义常常依赖道德感召和精神动员,而在其道德宣传背后,隐藏着一个以群体心理为特征的精神世界。
3)Crowd Psychology群体心理
1.Crowd Psychology and Complexity of Security Market;证券市场复杂性与群体心理
2.Research on Risk Management in Behavior Finance with Crowd Psychology Embedded;嵌入群体心理的行为金融风险管理理论及其实证研究
3.Then, we establish the transmission model of policy factors, examine the model by transactions data during the reform of non-tradable shares in Chinese stock market, and analyze the impact on crowd psychology of investors by cut-down of non-tradable shares.构建我国股市政策诱因传导机制模型,以股权分置改革这一政策诱因的影响为例,阐述大小非减持对投资者群体心理的影响。
4)mentality group心理群体
1.Taiping Army is a high institutional mentality group, its mentality linkage is mainly a kind of identity relationship.太平军作为一个高度建制化的心理群体,其心理纽带主要表现为认同关系。
5)group psychology群体心理学
1.The law of group investment behavior can be exposed by introducing group psychology into the behavioral finance,classifying the investment behavior of the capital market into individual investment behavior and group investment,and analyzing the structure of investment behavior of the capital market.在行为金融学中引入群体心理学,将资本市场上投资者的投资行为划分为个体投资行为与群体投资行为,对资本市场投资行为结构进行分析,可以充分了解群体投资行为的规律。
6)group mind theory群体心理理论

群体心理群体心理group mind 群体心理(9 roup mind)社会心理的重要内涵之一,指群体中成员共同的心理现象,如从众、模仿、暗示、舆论、气氛、感染、对比、风气、偏见、牢骚、时髦、谣言、风俗、传统、竞赛等都属于该范畴。它有两种类型:一是因长期的社会历史沉积下来的稳定的心理结晶,如风俗、传统、习惯、偏见等,这是千百年文化传统的心理积淀。一是随社会变化、群体发展而产生的多变的心理反应,如风气、舆论、时髦、对比、气氛及人际关系等,它们是时代前进、社会改革与群体变化发展的反映。这两种类型相辅相成,构成了群体心理的统一。它的特点是:(l)整合性。即是群体大多数成员的心理的整合。(2)自发性。即是自发产生的,自发地反映群体的社会存在。(3)感染性。即群体心理对成员的情绪影响。(4)不稳定性。群体心理随群体社会存在的变化而变化。(5)暗示性。指群体中大多数人或其中有威望的人的心理与行为对其他成员的影响,表现为其他成员无批判地接受所提供的信息。 (林乘贤撰沈德灿审)