鳞片花纹类型,Scale pattern
imbricate shape鳞片花纹
3)type of cuticle鳞片类型
1.The arrangements of hair cuticle were compared systematically and the percentages of every type of cuticle in different species were analyzed by ANOVA and multiple compariso.通过光镜和扫描电镜对社鼠、白腹巨鼠、黑线姬鼠、青毛鼠和黄胸鼠背部针毛的形态结构进行了对比研究,其针毛上的鳞片类型可分为波状、指状、多鳞状、杂波状和锯齿杯状5种。
4)flower scales花鳞片
1.METHODS:By means of scanning microscope and light micaroscope,observations were made for studying the morphological and anatomical features of petal,flower scales and leaves of Rhododendron simsii Planch.方法:应用扫描电镜和光镜对映山红的花瓣、花鳞片以及叶片的形态特征及解剖特征进行了观测。
6)tread patterns modeling花纹造型

血液有形成分各种类型的血细胞虚线指示中间类型的细胞。 李瑞端绘[图]