草原沙蜥,phrynocephalus frontalis
1)phrynocephalus frontalis草原沙蜥
1.The Niche Fragmentation of Pasture Lizard (Phrynocephalus frontalis) and Liban Lizard (Eremias argus) in the Artificial Shrub Land;人工灌丛生境草原沙蜥和丽斑麻蜥生态位分化的研究
2.Effects of Habitat Changes on Pasture Lizard (Phrynocephalus frontalis) Population in Tumote Plain of NeiMongol;内蒙古土默特平原生境变化对草原沙蜥种群的影响
3.Study on the Reproductive Strategy of Lizard Phrynocephalus frontalis;草原沙蜥(Phyrnocepha lus fronta lis)生殖策略的研究

1.A STUDY ON THE RESTING METABOLIC RATE OF Eremias argus AND Phrynocephalus frontalis丽斑麻蜥和草原沙蜥静止代谢率的研究
2.Studies of Structure and Function of the Skin of Phrynocephalus Frontalis and Eremias Vermiculata草原沙蜥和虫纹麻蜥皮肤的结构与功能研究
3.The Niche Fragmentation of Pasture Lizard (Phrynocephalus frontalis) and Liban Lizard (Eremias argus) in the Artificial Shrub Land人工灌丛生境草原沙蜥和丽斑麻蜥生态位分化的研究
4.Studies on the Morphological Structure and the p63 Protein, β-catenin, Substance P's Expression in Skin Sense Receptor of Phrynocephalus Frontal草原沙蜥皮肤感受器的形态学结构以及p63蛋白、β连接素、P物质表达的研究
5.A Comparative Study of Life-history Traits and Thermal Ecology of Two Species of Toad-headed Lizards, Phrynocephalus Versicolor and Phrynocephalus Frontalis;草原沙晰和变色沙蜥生活史特征与热生态学的比较研究
6.Genetic Structure of Phrynocephalus Erythrurus, P.theobaldi in Tibetan Plateau and Patemity Testing of Three Lizards西藏高原两种沙蜥遗传结构及三种沙晰亲子鉴定
7.gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having huge bodies with long necks and small heads: Prosauropoda and Sauropoda (apatosaurus; diplodocus; titanosaurs).体大颈长头小的巨型食草恐龙;原蜥脚类;蜥脚亚目;虚幻龙、梁龙和泰坦龙。
8.any of several slender lizards without external ear openings: of plains of western United States and Mexico.没有外部耳孔的几种细长的蜥蜴;产于美国西部和墨西哥的草原。
9.A large herbaceous lizard(Sauromalus obesus)of the southwest United States and Mexico, related to the iguana.变色蜥一种大型食草性蜥蜴(变色蜥变色蜥属),生长于美国西南部和墨西哥,与鬣鳞蜥相关
10.Dynamic Change of Total Sugar and Reducing Sugar in Forage Plants in High Plain Grassland and Sandy Grassland沙质草地、高平原草地牧草总糖与还原糖含量变化
11.Ecological heterogeneity in the sandy grassland of Ordos Plateau,China鄂尔多斯高原沙地草地的生态异质性
12.I live on plains and deserts and in tropical rain forests and river valleys.我生活在草原、沙漠、热带雨林和河谷。
13.snakes, lizards, and other inhaBitants of the desert.蛇,蜥蜴和沙漠中的其它居住者
14.desert lizard that feeds on ants.以蚂蚁为食的沙漠地区的蜥蜴。
15.Research on the Coupling Characteristics of Anti-Erosive Wear of Desert Lizard;沙漠蜥蜴耐冲蚀磨损耦合特性的研究
16.Studies on Daily Activity Frequency of Phrynocephalus versicolor;变色沙蜥(Phrynocephalus versicolor)的日活动频律研究
17.Food Habits of the Grass Lizard ( Takydromus Septentrionalis) before and after Hibernation in Taishun, Zhejiang;浙江泰顺北草蜥越冬前后的食性分析
18.Karyotype Analysis of Two Species of Takydromus from Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省产两种草蜥染色体组型研究

Phrynocephalus frontalis草的沙蜥
3)Phrynocephalus hongyuanensis红原沙蜥
4)Agama sanguinolenta草原鬣蜥
5)Trapelus sanguinolentus草原蜥
6)Toad-headed lizard沙蜥
1.versicolor are two morphologically similar, small sized toad-headed lizards.草原沙蜥(Phrynocephalus frontalisi)和变色沙蜥(P。

科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦药物名称:洛沙坦英文名:Losartan别名: 科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦外文名:Losartan, Cozaar, Novartis成分: 氯沙坦钾 适应症: 高血压。 用量用法: 通常剂量为50mg,qd,治疗3-6周后达到最大抗高血压效应。在部分病人中,每天剂量可增加到100mg。血容量不足的病人(例如应用大量利尿剂)起始剂量应该为25mg,qd。 禁忌: 儿童,妊娠和哺乳妇女。 不良反应: 轻微而短暂的头晕,剂量相关性体位性低血压。罕见皮疹、荨麻疹,血管神经性水肿(包括面、唇和/或舌肿胀)。腹泻及偏头痛。偶有高血钾,罕见ALT升高。敏感个体和动脉狭窄的病人可出现肾功能异常。 注意事项: 血容量不足的病人应先补充血容量,减少起始剂量。有肝功能损害病人应使用较低剂量。 规格: 片剂 50mg x 7片。 类别:抗高血压药