唇裂鼻畸形,Cleft lip nasal deformity
1)Cleft lip nasal deformity唇裂鼻畸形

1.Aesthetic defects of unilateral cleft lip nose and its repair单侧唇裂鼻畸形的美学缺陷与修复
2.Role of the Repair of Alar Cartilage-muscle Rings in the Treatment of Nasal Deformities in Cleft Lip Patients鼻翼软骨肌肉环的修复在唇裂鼻畸形中的作用
3.Clinical evaluation of cleft lip nasal deformity with frontal alar cartilage suspension鼻翼额部悬吊术修复唇裂鼻畸形的手术探讨
4.Correction of Nasal Deformities of the Unilateral Cleft Lip by Medpor Combined with Cartilage of Nasal SeptumMedpor联合鼻中隔软骨移植修复单侧唇裂鼻畸形
5.Study on the Repairing of Bilateral Cleft Lips and Nose Deformity with Cutting Method使用Cutting法一期修复双侧唇裂鼻畸形的临床研究
6.The study and application of the alar cartilage ring in the treatment of deformities of unilateral cleft lip nose鼻翼软骨环状结构的研究及其在单侧唇裂鼻畸形矫正术中的应用
7.Objective This study was to explore the pathological action of the adjacent connec- tive tissues of alar cartilage in unilateral cleft lip nose.目的探讨单侧唇裂鼻畸形鼻翼软骨周边连接组织的病理解剖变化。
9.Conclustions The cleft side alar flap and alar cartilage sling procedure is effective to correct secondary cleft lip nasal deformity.结论裂侧鼻翼瓣加鼻翼软骨悬吊法是一种有效矫正唇裂鼻畸形的方法。
10.The comprehensive correction of the secondary lip-nasal deformities of cleft lip唇裂术后继发唇鼻畸形的综合修复
11.The Clinical Research of Repairing the Secondary Unilateral Cleft Lip Nose Deformity;单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形的临床治疗研究
12.The Clinical Research of Correcting the Secondary Unilateral Cleft Lip Nose Deformity单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形整复的临床研究
13.A method of functional reparation for cleft lip with mini-approach口内入路功能性唇裂及鼻畸形修复术
14.Secondary Management of Anomalies of the Nose and Lip after Bilateral Cleft Lip Repair双侧唇裂术后鼻唇严重畸形患者的处理
15.Detection of the techniques of the individual rapairing for nasolabial deformities after the cleft lip opertaion唇裂术后鼻唇畸形个体化修复技巧探讨
16.Individual Correction of Cleft Lip and Secondary Lip or Nasal Deformities after Congenital Cleft Lip Repair先天性唇裂及唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形的个性化修复
17.Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity Corrected by an Alar Flap and the Alar Cartilage Sling Method裂侧鼻翼瓣和鼻翼软骨悬吊法矫正单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形
18.Stage II Reconstruction of the Postoperative Nasolabial Deformity of the Complete Bilateral Cleft Lip Through Cross Transplantation of the Lower Lip Flap下唇组织瓣交叉转移术二期整复双侧完全性唇裂术后鼻唇部畸形

Secondary cleft lip nasal deformity唇裂继发鼻畸形
3)Secondary nasal deformities after cleft lip repair唇裂术后鼻畸形
4)labionasal deformity唇鼻畸形
5)nasolabial deformities鼻唇畸形
1.Detection of the techniques of the individual rapairing for nasolabial deformities after the cleft lip opertaion唇裂术后鼻唇畸形个体化修复技巧探讨
6)cleft lip唇裂畸形
1.The value of ultrasonographic diagnosis of fetal cleft lip;超声对胎儿唇裂畸形的诊断价值
2.In order to increase the detected rate of cleft lip, we d better choose the best checking time.目的 探讨胎儿唇裂畸形的声像图特征 ,选择最佳检查时间 ,提高胎儿唇裂畸形的检出率。

唇裂术后继发畸形唇裂术后继发畸形secondary deformity of cleft lip 唇裂经手术修复后,有些病例可遗留一定的缺陷或逐渐显现新的畸形,称为唇裂术后继发畸形。常见有:上唇太长,上唇过紧,红唇缘不齐,唇弓不显,鼻孔过大或过小,鼻孔底部缺裂,鼻尖过低,鼻歪斜,牙及牙槽突裂畸形,瘢痕增生或针迹显著等。针对不同的继发畸形可采用相应的手术方法再次矫正。