鼓室积液,Eardrum effusion
1)Eardrum effusion鼓室积液
1.purpose To study the multi-view CT technique for tympanum examination.目的 探讨鼓室的多角度CT显示技术。
2.Purpose To study the multi view CT technique for tympanum examination.目的 :探讨鼓室的多角度 CT显示技术。
3.Objective To summarize the clinic and pathology features of the tympanum body paraganglioma,and invesigate its misdiagnosis reason.目的总结鼓室体副神经节细胞瘤的临床及病理学特点,分析其误诊原因。

1.Small tympanic cavity and enlarged eustachian tube and tympanic sinus were found in 1 case respectively.合并小鼓室1例,耳咽管和鼓室窦畸形扩大1例。
2.Detection of Eustachian Tube Function and Its Significance After Tympanoplasty鼓室成形术后的咽鼓管功能检测及意义
3.Anatomic study of eustachian tube and tymPanic cavity in relation to minimal invasive managements for the middle and inner ear disorder经咽鼓管-鼓室微创给药的相关解剖学研究
4.Pharyngotympanic tube intratympanic dexamethasone injections for sudden sensorineural hearing loss经咽鼓管鼓室内地塞米松注射治疗突发性聋
5.Confirmation of patulous eustachian tube syndrome by Tubo tymanoaerodynamic graphy咽鼓管-鼓室气流动态法对咽鼓管异常开放症的诊断价值
6.The effect of the lesion in tympanic ostium on the disfunction of Eustachian tube in patients with chronic otitis media慢性中耳炎咽鼓管鼓室口病变对咽鼓管功能的影响
7.The Exploration of Clinical Application of TTAG Method;咽鼓管—鼓室气流动态(TTAG)法在咽鼓管功能检测中的应用
8.The exploration of TTAG method in determinating the states of Eustachian tube functiong of healthy group咽鼓管-鼓室气流动态图法检测健康人咽鼓管功能的应用探讨
9.To wash tympanum with drum washer developed by authors after the middle ear was washed cleanlily and dry,the powder of prednisone of mildew element can be spraied into the middle ear.方法 :应用自制鼓室冲洗器冲洗鼓室 ,干净后向鼓室内喷入制霉菌素强的松粉。
10.Clinical application of attic reconstruction and tympanoplasty for operated ears with open radical mastoidectomy上鼓室重建及鼓室成形术在开放式乳突根治中的应用
11.Application of lateral attic wall reconstruction and sealing of attic cell in tympanoplasty上鼓室封闭和外侧壁重建技术在鼓室成形术中的应用
12.Conclusion Lateral attic wall reconstruction and sealing of attic cell prevent the recurrence of cholesteatoma.结论 上鼓室封闭和上鼓室成型可以防止胆脂瘤复发。
14.Residual choleateatoma was found more frequently in the anterior epitympanum, the oval window niche, and the hypotympanum near the tubal orifice.容易残存的部位,依序为上鼓室前方、卵圆窗及下鼓室近耳咽管处。
15.Jacobson's anastomosis(鼓室丛吻合) 雅各布逊氏吻合
16.atticotomy transmeatal经耳道[鼓室上]隐窝切开术
17.Causes for Failure in Tympanoplasty of 126 Ears鼓室成形术126耳的失败原因探讨
18.The patients with lateral attic wall reconstruction obtained a significant hearing improvement (97.5%).97 5 %上鼓室成形听力改善 ;

1.purpose To study the multi-view CT technique for tympanum examination.目的 探讨鼓室的多角度CT显示技术。
2.Purpose To study the multi view CT technique for tympanum examination.目的 :探讨鼓室的多角度 CT显示技术。
3.Objective To summarize the clinic and pathology features of the tympanum body paraganglioma,and invesigate its misdiagnosis reason.目的总结鼓室体副神经节细胞瘤的临床及病理学特点,分析其误诊原因。
4)tympanic cavity鼓室
1.Embryonic development of the supratubal recess and its adjacent structures in tympanic cavity;鼓室管上隐窝及其周围结构的胚胎发育

浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液药物名称:浓氯化钠注射液英文名:Injection 10% Sodium Chloride别名:浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液外文名: Injection 10% Sodium Chloride, Hypertonic saline适应症: 用于脱水症及调节体内水与电解质的平衡。 用量用法: 静脉滴注,临用前稀释,用量与浓度视病情需要而定。 注意事项: 心、肾功能不全者慎用。 规格: 注射剂:1g/10ml,本品为氯化钠的高渗灭菌水溶液。 类别:调节水、电解质及酸碱平衡药