1.The Abuse of Presumption and Its Causes in Press Defamation Lawsuits in China;我国新闻诽谤诉讼中推定的滥用及其原因——中美新闻诽谤诉讼程序性责任的分担比较
2.Rectification of innocence presumption principle;为“无罪推定原则”正名

1.presumption of her innocence by the court法庭对她无罪的推定.
2.They presumed her (to be) dead.他们推定她已死亡。
3.omnia pro rite praesumuntur一切系正当行为之推定
4.relative total loss相对全损(推定全损)
5.Major-Minor Fault Presumption Rule主要-次要过失推定原则
6.On Logic Foundation of Presumption --And on the Relationship between Presumption and Fiction;论推定的逻辑学基础——兼论推定与拟制的关系
7.On the Extension of Riemann-Lebesgue Theorem;Riemann-Lebesgue定理的推广
8.The Characteristic of Series-compact Sets in C(X) Space;Arzela-Ascoli定理推广
9.P) Friction locks cause throttle lever to stick.(问)推力杆锁锁定了推力位置,不能动。
10.Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments.推论对推理的运用,尤指在做结论、推断或判定时运用推理
11.conclusive presumption(不容反驳的)决定性推断
12.DRAI (De Reckoning Analogue Indicator)推测定位模拟指示器
13.The government has decided to go ahead with its plan.政府已决定推行其计划。
14.negative recommendation否定的劝告,消极的推荐
15.fixed-weight autoregression extrapolation固定加权自回归外推
16.It was decided that his valuable experience should be widely promoted.决定推广他的宝贵经验。
17.She has made up her mind to defer her departure for two days.她决定将行程推迟两天。
18.Some Generalized Results about Wilkinson Theorem;关于Wilkinson定理的一些推广

1.The subjective intention and the illegal knowing can be inferenced from the legislation.这种主观故意及其违法性认识是由立法推定而来的,因此,在诉讼中,被告人可以提出相关的证据来反驳这种推定
2.There are two evidence free rules in criminal action which are known as judicial notice and inference.在刑事诉讼中的免证规则有两个:司法认知与推定
1.Deduction can be classified into criminal and civil,entity and procedure,absolute and comparative,fact and responsibility deductions.推定是指根据已知的事实,依照法律的规定,对未知的事实所进行的推理和确定。
2.This article analyzes the definition of deduction by using the means of comparison and systematically discusses the issues of theoretical base,application condition and remedy in deduction.推定是根据经验法则或法律规定,由已经过证明的基础事实直接推出另一事实存在的替代证明制度。
1.In fact,sometimes the victim s acceptance doesn t exist realistically,but we can infer the victim in that case must make the acceptance necessarily according to the objective circumstance.在现实中,有时被害人的承诺并不实际存在,但是根据各种情况可以推断出被害人在这种情况下必定会作出承诺,这就是被害人承诺的推定
2.To correctly recognize this can properly infer the distribution of responsibilities in knotty administrative cases, that is , the administrative organs should bear the persuasive responsibilities to prove whether a concrete administrative act is legal or not from the angel of administrative lawsuit s aims.行政诉讼的目的就是保护公民的合法权益 ,正确认识行政诉讼的这一目的 ,可以恰当地推定疑难行政案件举证责任的分配 ,即从行政诉讼的目的角度考量 ,证明一具体行政行为是否合法必须由行政机关首先承担说服责任 ,但当法定的情形出现时 ,可以依法推定由当事人承担举证责任中的说服责任 ,在多个当事人中 ,又由有过错的当事人承担说服责任。
6)localization handspike定位推杆
1.The cutting bending process and die structure of pedestal are introduced, and the cutting convex die, localization handspike and emending bending mechanism are briefly analyzed.介绍了基座切断弯曲的工艺及模具结构,并对切断凸模、定位推杆及校正弯曲机构作了简单分析。

推定1.推测判定。 2.推举决定。