1.Occupancy and compromise-the botta house in Riva San Vitale;从博塔的Riva San Vitale住宅看建筑的占有与妥协
2.Pluralism,compromise,harmony: the quintessence of republican system of government;多元·妥协·和谐:共和政体的精髓
3.Compromise and Rebellion——On the dilemma characters in Haruki Muraue s novels meet with;妥协与反叛——论村上春树小说中人物的两难处境

1.A settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions和解,妥协两种冲突观点的和解或妥协
2.Art is uncompromising,and life is full of compromise.艺术是不妥协的,而生活充满了妥协
3.Compromise Value of Compromise Admissible Stochastic Cooperative Game妥协可接受的随机合作对策的妥协
4.Oppose all vacillation and compromise.反对任何的动摇妥协
5.effect a compromise between A and B甲与乙之间促成妥协
6.His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.他提出的妥协只是废话
7.temporize between two parties为两党[双方]谋求妥协
8.an all - or - nothing negotiating position.绝不妥协的谈判立场
9.There should be no in-between, no compromises.不应有折衷,不应有妥协
10.People always come round to facts.人总是会向事实妥协的。
11.coerced the strikers into compliance.See Synonyms atforce强迫罢工者妥协参见
12.brassbound party loyalists.决不妥协的党的忠诚者
13.Compromise Mechanism and Procedures in Institutional Reform in Education;论教育制度变革中的妥协机制和妥协程序
14."Compromise" means reaching agreement through peaceful negotiation.所谓妥协,是指经过和平协商达成协议。
15.WTO members reach agreements by debate and compromise.成员国通过辩论及互相妥协达成协议,
16.compound (with sb)(for sth);reach an agreement(about sth);settle (a debt,etc)(就某事)达成协议;和解妥协;了结(债务等)
17.bullish on the prospects of reaching a negotiated settlement.对于达到协议妥协持乐观态度
18.Such compromise does not require the people in the countries of the capitalist world to follow suit and make compromises at home.这种妥协,并不要求资本主义世界各国人民随之实行国内的妥协

compromise solution妥协解
1.In this paper, we generalize the coalition games and define the core and a unique solution--the compromise solution,and give the lower and upper bounds of the core and show some properties of the solution.本文以合作度为广义联盟而定义了一种广义合作对策模型,给出核心解集及其上下界,并定义了一种唯一解——妥协解的概念,证明了这种解的一些性
1.Considering the wireless sensor network isn\'t uniformly distributed,and energy consumption for each node can\'t be balanced,even some nodes are captured or compromise to send forged data and so on,this paper proposed a trust model for sparse network based on beta distribution.针对无线传感器网络节点随机部署的不均匀性、节点能量消耗的非均衡性以及节点容易被俘获窜改的妥协性等,提出一个基于beta分布的稀疏网络信任模型。
4)un-compromising degree不妥协度
1.Negotiation strategies based on un-compromising degree is presented on the basis of Bayes learning and in time-limited multi-issues among multi-Agents.,为了当协商进入僵持状态时参与协商的买卖双方能确定是否进行妥协,从而使协商继续进行下去,本文在限时条件下的多议题协商中和贝叶斯学习的基础上提出了基于不妥协度的协商策略。
5)agent compromiseagent妥协
1.This paper introduces the notion of agent compromise in distributed graph coloring problems (GCP).该文针对着色问题(GCP)的分布式求解,提出了agent妥协的概念。
6)creditor concession债权妥协
