1.The Construction of Shared Relationship and the Enhancement of the Virtue——On Communitarianism s Political Theory of Identity;共享式关系的建构与德性的提升——社群主义认同政治简论
2.A Comparative Study of the Political Thoughts between "The Third Way" and Communitarianism;“第三条道路”与社群主义政治哲学思想之比较研究
3.Equality: liberalism and communitarianism;平等:自由主义与社群主义

1.What is Justice:Liberalism,Communitarianism and Others;何谓正义:自由主义、社群主义和其他
2.On Communitarian′s Criticism to Liberalism Justice;论社群主义对自由主义正义观的批判
3.The background of the rasing of communitarianism and its realistic magnificance;社群主义兴起的社会背景及现实意义
4.On the Communitarianism Thought and Constructing the Socialism Harmonious Society;论社群主义思想与构建社会主义和谐社会
5.A Comparative Study on Ethics Thoughts of Communitarianism and Collectivism社群主义和集体主义伦理思想之异同
6.The Just Theory Based on Moral--on the Just Theory of Communitarianism;“德性正义论”——社群主义正义观解读
7.Confucian Communalism in East Asia and Liberalism in the West: A Case Study of Confucian Communalism in China and South Korea;东亚儒家社群主义与西方自由主义——以中韩儒家社群主义为例
8.Conception of the Self in Communitarianism -Also on Dispute between Communitarianism and New Liberalism;社群主义的自我观──兼评社群主义与新自由主义之争
9.Argue About Justice--Communitarian criticizing liberalism justice view;正义之争——社群主义对自由主义正义观的批判
10."Confucian Collectivism" in the 21st Century:Implications and Issues;新世纪“儒教社群主义”的意义与问题
11.From“Self”to“Subject ” -- A Cultural Criticism of Communitarianism;从“自我”到“主体”——“社群主义”文化批判
12.Communalism holds that social community has precedence over individuals.社群主义认为,社群才具有对个人的优先地位。
13.Which should be given priority,to Social Community or Individuals?--Reflection upon Communalism;社群与个人孰先孰后?——对社群主义的反思
14.On the Possibility of Confucian Communitarianism;试论“儒家社群主义”何以可能——从社群主义与儒家“自我观”比较的角度
15.Hegel s Philosophy: Communitarian Source of Inspiration--Influence of Hegel s Philosophy on Communitarianism;黑格尔哲学:社群主义灵感的源泉——论黑格尔哲学对社群主义的影响
16.Individual First or Community First?--On the Contending between Liberalism and Communitarianism;个人优先还是社群优先?——评自由主义与社群主义之争
17.The Disputes Between Liberalism and Communitarianism;全面认识个人与社群的关系——评自由主义与社群主义的争论
18.Western Communitarian View of Justice and the Enlightenment to Harmonious Society;西方社群主义的正义观及其对和谐社会的启示

1.The "morality" education thought of the communalism carved out an important visual field for the erection of harmonious individual and social relation,in the course of modifying the "liberalism" thought,they ment.社群主义的"德性"教育思想为和谐的个体与社会关系的构建开辟了一种重要视域,他们在修正"自由主义"思想过程中,提出重新倡导个体生存的集体的和社群的价值意义,并试图把"美德"作为整个社会生活价值体系的核心,使得"美德"成为导引人们实践的内在力量,不但成为个体成就人生的内在力量,也成为组成个体融入社会的一种和谐的内在力量。
2.This article probes into the morality of communalism by contrast,and conducts profound analyses with Marxism,which can provide a better understanding of the morality of communalism.社群主义是西方政治哲学的一个重要流派,它是在对抗新自由主义的过程中逐步形成的。
3.As an important form of the public participation,the citizen participation manifests the basic value of the public governing;The citizen participation is one kind of response after governing theory reconsiders flaws of the Western democratic system;The citizen participation fully manifests the thoughts of communalism and the corporatism which the governing theory has a high opinion of.公民参与作为公共参与的一种重要表现形式,体现出公共治理的基本价值;公民参与是治理理论针对西方民主制度的缺失进行反思后的一种回应;公民参与充分体现治理理论倚重的社群主义和合作主义的思想;新公民参与运动在实践上进一步丰富和推进了在公共决策中公民参与形式的创新,公民参与的可操作性在公共治理理论中也得到了丰富和发展;公民治理是更高层次的地方治理中的公民参与。
3)Confucian collectivism儒教社群主义
1.However, traditional "Confucian collectivism", which places stress on a priori universal ethical principles, looks at the world when the premises are not known, and thus it is not very tolerant of the new ideas and culture occurring in the active change."儒教社群主义"批评自由主义片面提倡自由选择、个人无节制的利益追求以及排他性弱肉强食般的社会竞争等理念,认为这些理念酿成了社会族群之间的排斥、分裂与斗争。
4)neo-Confucian collectivism新儒教社群主义
6)Morality of Communalism社群主义的道德观
