1.On law control of the target company s anti-takeover;目标公司反收购的法律规制
2.Theoretical basis of establishing target company s anti-takeover system;论构建目标公司反收购制度的理论基础
3.Fiduciary Duty of Controlling Shareholder of Target Company in Anti-takeover Measures;反收购中目标公司控股股东信义义务研究

1.Legal Regulation of Hostile Takeover and Anti-Takeover;论公司敌意收购与反收购的法律规制
2.Hostile Takeover and Anti-takeover of Chinese Listed Companies Seen from the Case of Shengli Stock s Anti-takeover;由胜利股份反收购事件对我国上市公司敌意收购与反收购的思考
3.Hostile Takeove of Listed Companies and Anti-takeover Research under the Full Circulation全流通下的上市公司恶意收购及反收购研究
4.Legal Research on Anti-takeover Decision-making of Listed Companies;上市公司反收购决策权法律制度研究
5.Study on Directors Fiduciary Duties of Targeted Company in Counter-takeover;目标公司反收购中董事信义义务研究
6.Study on Ascription of Deciding Power of Anti-takeover of Chinese Listing Company;我国上市公司反收购决策权归属研究
7.A Study of the Operators Anti-takeover Actions in Target Corporrations;目标公司管理层反收购行为规制研究
8.Research on the Legal Issues of Anti-takeover Taken by the Board of the Target Company;目标公司董事会反收购法律问题研究
9.Research on the Anti-takeover based on the Firm s Boundary;基于企业边界视角的企业反收购研究
10.Models of Anti-takeover Law and China Preference;反收购的规制模式与我国的立法选择
11.The Pricing Mechanism Design of Target Company in Anti-Take Over;目标企业在反收购中的定价机制设计
12.The legal Regulation of the Counter-acquisition Measures by the Listed Corporation;论上市公司反收购措施中的法律规制
13.Plan of Establishing Legal Framework of Anti-purchase System in China;建立我国反收购制度法律框架的设想
14.The Legal Regulation of Anti-takeover Acts of China's Listed Companies中国上市公司反收购行为的法律规制
15.Research of Legal Regulation of the Anti-takeover Actions of Listed Corporations of China我国上市公司反收购的法律规制研究
16.The Advantages and Disadvantages Analyses of Poison Pill Anti-takeover Measures by Target Company's Directors董事主导“毒丸”反收购措施利弊分析
17.A Study of the Listed Corporations Policy- making Right for Anti-buying上市公司反收购决定权归属问题研究
18.Comment on the Legal Regulation of the Listed Corporation's Anti-Takeover in China试论我国上市公司反收购的法律规制

1.A study on the market situations of the anti-acquisition and the strategies of the company in the wholly-circulation era;我国全流通市场下反收购的市场环境及上市公司的策略分析
2.Research on Legal Issues of Corporation Anti-acquisition;公司反收购法律问题研究
3.The anti-acquisition behavior of the company is an important aspect that the legislation on company acquisition should encompass.公司的反收购行为是公司收购立法应予规制的一个重要方面。
3)Reverse merger反向收购
4)anti-purchase method反收购方法
5)Anti-hostile takeover反敌意收购
1.Anti-hostile takeover is good for maintaining economy order,thus has its rationality of existence owing to its benefitof avoiding or reducing the negativeinfluen.反敌意收购因其利于避免或减少恶性收购的消极影响,对维护经济秩序有益,因而具有存在的合理性。
6)anti-purchasing system反收购制度
1.Because of the 揅orporate law?and 揃ond law?of China did not find anti-purchasing system, the anti-purchasing actions come within disorder state.本文就反收购制度的基本内容及其缺陷进行了分析,并希望通过修改《公司法》、《证券法》对反收购行为予以全面规范和完善。
