1.The Utility and Ethic of Chinese Classic Furniture Design;中国古典家具设计的功利与伦理
2.Literary enlightenment and human literature——Comment on the conception of utility of modern Chinese aesthetic literature from human perspective;“文学的启蒙”与“人的文学”——从“人”的角度看中国现代审美性文学的功利
3.Useless Value ——On the discourse upon utility in esthetic of Wang Guo-wei and its affects;无用之用——王国维审美功利说及其影响简论

1.From the Utility to the Right--The Defense of Utilitarian Reading从功利到权利——为功利性阅读申辩
2.Lu Xun s Well Balanced View and Practice Toward Both Literary Utilitarianism and Non-Utilitarianism;鲁迅对文学功利性和非功利性的把握
3.Review of Hare s Viewpoint of Utilitarianism--Transcending the Arguments of Act-utiltarianism and Rule-utiltarianism;黑尔之功利主义观述评——超越行为功利主义与规则功利主义之争
4.How to Accommodate Justice and Utility--Deciphering the Relationship of Utility and Justice of Mill s UTILITARIANISM;功利何以容纳正义——解读密尔《功利主义》中功利与正义的关系
5.any doctrine that stresses utility or purpose.强调功利或效果的学说。
6.Thus it was strongly utilitarian.它具有极强的功利性。
7.Housing of bleak utilitarianism.苍白的功利主义的装饰
8.The Classic Utilitarianism is represented by Bentham and Mill, and the Modern Utilitarianism includes the Action Utilitarianism and Standard Utilitarianism.古典功利主义以边沁、密尔为代表; 现代功利主义包括行动功利主义与准则功利主义。
9.The Unity of Utility and Morality--on Mao Zedong s Revolution Utilitarianism;功利与道义的统一——浅析毛泽东的革命功利主义
10.Contrast Between Sunzi Military Utili-tarianism & Western Utilitarianism;孙子军事功利主义与西方功利主义之比较
11.Employing “Ability Theory” to Solve the Problems of Beauty Utility and its “Potential Utility”;用“能力说”解决美功利性及其“功利潜在”问题
12.Honest-trust: from Morality-justice, Utilitarianism towards Responsibility and Right;诚信:从道义、功利走向责任与权利
13.On the Opinion that There is No Utilitarianism in Chinese Philosophy;论中国哲学没有“功利主义”——兼论“大利主义”不是“功利主义”
14.There is no "ism" in the world that transcends utilitarian considerations; in class society there can be only the utilitarianism of this or that class.世界上没有什么超功利主义,在阶级社会里,不是这一阶级的功利主义,就是那一阶级的功利主义。
15.It deviates from the correct view of the utility to eager for quick success and instant benefit, and it is the dislocation for the utility relations of medical innovation.急功近利背离了正确的科学功利观,是对医学创新功利关系的严重错位。
16.On the Legal Concept of Utilitarianism of the Utilitarian School in the Eastern Area of Zhejiang in the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋浙东事功学派的功利主义法律观
17.Reconciliation between Aestheticism and Utilitarianism--The Views on Literary Functions of Early Creation Society;唯美与功利的调和——早期创造社的文学功用观
18.He managed to multiply his profits.他成功地增加了利润。

1.Y ans Family Instructions focuses on practice and utilitarianism while New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages on aesthetics.阮籍、嵇康两位名士的形象在《世说新语》和《颜氏家训》中判然有别,近乎对立,究其原因,与作者的著书目的、学术背景和价值取向有关,前者趋于审美、玄学,后者则更趋于实用、功利
2.The clashes between utilitarianism and aesthetic appreciation are always hand in hand from the beginning to the end in literature.审美和功利的矛盾是贯穿文学始终的矛盾。
3.Bentham advocates the abolition of death penalty from the perspective of utilitarianism.边沁是完全从功利论的角度主张彻底废除死刑的,但其理论存在着不足:以"感觉"为基础的功利论极易变种为支持死刑的理论根据,以功利优先于正义为特征的刑罚目的论给惩罚无辜留下空间,在生命观上强调人之生命的工具价值而忽视人之生命的神圣性。
3)utility and superutility功利与超功利
1.Deontology or Utilitarianism: The Basis of Ecological Ethi cs;“道义论”抑或“功利论”:生态伦理学的根据
2.From the point of view of morality-justice, honest-trust is the ethical code of behavior; from the point of view of utilitarianism, honest-trust is the basic demand for increasing social welfare; from the point of view of responsibility and right, honest-trust is the responsibility and right of social members.在功利论看来,诚信是维系人际合作,增加社会总福利的基本要求。
3.Seeing from the theory appearance,it has achieved the dialectical unify of morals and utilitarianism;Teleology and instrument.马克思主义伦理学的产生是人类伦理思想史上的一次伟大变革,它扬弃以往的道德学说形成了具有全新理论特色的理论体系,从理论形态上看,它是道义论和功利论的统一、目的论与工具论的统一。
1.Thought on utilitarianism;关于功利主义的几点思考
2.Critical study on political philosophy of utilitarianism in Chinese modern times;中国近代功利主义政治哲学理论辩证
3.On the Commentary of Utilitarianism Fairness Theory Research;功利主义公平理论研究述评
6)utility psychology功利心理
1.Potential influence of the utility psychology factors in the architectural aesthetics;建筑审美中功利心理因素的潜在影响
