1.Freedom of Freud's Vision of Instinct Theory弗洛伊德本能论视野下的自由
2.But according to biology,food is a type of manner of animal instinct.从生物学角度上说,饮食属于动物的本能性行为;而按照心理学家马斯洛的“需要理论”来说,则属于“低级需要”层次,并深含生命信息;饮食行为在中西方的文化对比中也有很大的差异,从中可以显示出处于两种不同的文化氛围里面的人们的不同的生存状态。

1.Of, relating to, or prompted by instinct.本能本能的,与本能有关的,出于本能
2.homing instinct归巢 [回归] 本能
3.aggressive instinct攻击本能(心理学)
4.self preservative instinct保存自我本能保存自我本能
5.Instinct theory of S.Freud-The living and death instinct in Chinese contemporary literature;弗洛伊德的本能论——中国现当代文学中的生本能与死本能
6.Climbing is instinctive in monkeys.猴子攀爬出于本能
7.Mother hens protect their young by instinct.母鸡保护小鸡出于本能
8.functioning capital经营资本,职能资本
10." No,Ben. You mustn't.""不行,本,你不能来。"
11.Would you please do me a favour, Ben?本,你能帮助我吗?
12.SRA Primary Mental AbilitiesSRA 基本智能测验
13.The Absence of Cost of Capital and the Function Faults of Chinese Capital Market;资本成本缺位与我国资本市场功能缺陷
14.There is simply no way to rest on our past achievements.我们决不能够吃老本。
15.a quantity that has no factor but itself and 1.只能被它本身和除的数。
16.I hear there may be a few copies left.我听说可能还剩下几本。
17.estimating cost recoverability估计成本收回的可能性
18.Would it be possible for you to send this book for me?你能帮我寄出这本书吗?

1.The Bacchae, a play by the Greek tragedian Euripides, shows a dramatic view of the confrontation between instincts and institutions.古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的剧作《酒神的女祭司们》生动地展现了本能和习俗的冲突。
3)intrinsic energy内能,本征能
4)energy saving and cost reducing节能降本
1.Great achievement has made since Iron-making Plant focused on energy saving and cost reducing in energy management this year, which made index of energy consumption decrease month by month in the first part of this year.炼铁厂今年来在能源管理上狠抓节能降耗工作,把节能降耗工作与降本增益结合来抓,节能降本成果大、效益明显,上半年工序能耗指标逐月下降,6个月节约标煤就达33595。
5)fundamental performance基本性能
1.Study on fundamental performance of pulsed liquid jet pump;脉冲液体射流泵基本性能的研究
6)basic property基本性能
1.Regarding to complexity in types and properties of waste concrete in practical engineering, system test was made on basic property of 6 kinds of recycled aggregates which were produced by crashing and processing abandon concrete from 4 different sources i.针对实际工程中废弃混凝土种类和性能复杂多变的特点,系统测试了由4类不同来源(拆除的废旧建筑物、预制构件厂不合格构件、废弃马路路面和试验室废弃试件)废弃混凝土破碎加工而成的共6种再生骨料的基本性能。
