1.The Stratum Difference in the Physical Exercis Behavior of Fujian Adults;福建成年国民体育锻炼行为阶层差异的初步分析
2.Thinking about class,stratum and their relationship;关于阶级、阶层及其相互关系的思考
3.Study on Analytical Method Innovation Of Class and Stratum Issues in Harmonious Society;和谐社会的阶级阶层问题分析方法创新研究

1.This social stratum is unstable;这个阶层是动摇的阶层
2.people of all ranks and classes各阶层各阶级的人.
3.hierarchy of social rank社会阶层的阶级组织
4.people at the grassroots level基层群众,草根阶层
5.The Social Stratum Differentiation and Relation of Urban China Society;中国城镇社会的阶层分化与阶层关系
6.A major social class, such as the nobility, the commons, or the clergy, formerly possessing distinct political rights.社会阶层主要的社会阶层,例如贵族阶层、平民阶层、牧师阶层,具有不寻常的政治权力
7.While at present, the inner stratum of working class was classified into governor stratum, the professional technician stratum and industrial worker stratum.而现在工人阶级内部阶层分为管理者阶层,专业技术人员阶层,产业工人阶层
8.On the division of the classes in the country and the reconstruction of the social harmony;阶级阶层利益整合与和谐社会构建——中国农民阶级阶层分化研究
9.An Analysis on the Hypothesis of “ Two Classes and One Stratum”;对社会主义社会阶级阶层结构是“两个阶级一个阶层”论的剖析
10.a class of people favoring traditional ideas.拥护传统观念的阶层
11.an inert management team死气沉沉的管理阶层.
12.Sandwich Class Housing Scheme夹心阶层住屋计划。
13.sandwich within sandwich group夹心阶层中的夹心家庭
14.She came from a privileged background.她出身于特权阶层.
15.The political class composed of commoners.由平民组成的政治阶层
16.It attract by far the largest class of reader.它吸引最大的读者阶层
17.second-tier management rank第二阶层的管理职级
18.They represent each society stratum.他们代表各个社会阶层

1.Farm-worker,the Rise of a New Class;农民工 一个新阶层的崛起
2.Researching about the Political Participation of Chinese New Social Class;中国新社会阶层政治参与研究
3.An Analysis about Class Compromise and Making Harmonious Society;阶层和谐与构建社会主义和谐社会
3)Social Stratum阶层
1.Although still there was ideology color in this discussion,it was basically expression of the realistic interests that social stratum spliced up.这场讨论虽仍带有意识形态色彩,但基本上是社会阶层分化的现实利益表达。
4)strata[英]['stre?t?, 'str?t?][美]['stret?, 'str?t?]阶层
1.Since the beginning of the reform and opening-up,traditional social strata in Guizhou province gradually has been divided,new social strata have emerged and continue to grow,The entire social strata structure has been undergoing profound changes.社会建设的基本内容之一是培育现代社会结构,这其中主要是社会阶层结构。
2.According to their authority resources,the villagers may be divided into three authorities social strata: the managers,the non-managerial elites,the ordinary villagers.村民自治制度为阶层博弈构建了制度平台。
3.Some new social strata appear, different classes and strata intersect and infiltrate each other and take shape a complicated situation. 改革开放以来,我国原有的工人阶级、农民阶级和知识分子阶层都发生了重大变化,而且从它们中间又分化出一些新的社会阶层,形成了不同阶级阶层之间相互交叉、相互渗透的错综复杂的社会格局。
1.Invesitigation and Analytic Methods in the Study of Planning and Design(Part 12)——AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process);通过阶层图、一对比较法、重要度的决定、综合评价结果及整合度等计算过程,从较为模糊或不很明确的状况下,寻找出一个客观、合理的“方案”。
6)classes and strata阶级阶层
1.Since the inception of reform and opening up,great changes have taken place in Chinese social classes and strata,which result in gradual formation of various classes,strata and interest groups;meanwhile there appear clear social polarization,outstanding interest conflicts,widening income gap.改革开放以来,中国社会阶级阶层结构发生了巨大的变化,逐步形成了不同的阶级阶层和多种利益群体,同时社会分化明显,利益矛盾突出,利益关系复杂化,收入差距拉大,利益矛盾两极化。

阶层  同一阶级中因财产状况、社会地位的不同或因谋生方式不同而区分的社会集团。阶层是随着阶级的产生和发展而出现的,不同阶级及其不同发展阶段形成不同的社会阶层。如奴隶社会的奴隶主阶级区分为贵族奴隶主和工商业奴隶主;封建社会的地主阶级区分为大、中、小地主;资本主义社会的资产阶级区分为大、中、小资产阶级,无产阶级区分为产业工人、手工业工人、店员工人;中国半封建半殖民地社会的资产阶级区分为官僚资产阶级、民族资产阶级,农民区分为上中农、下中农、贫农和雇农。    阶层的划分和阶级的划分是相互联系的,阶层的划分是对阶级的进一步剖析,不能用阶层的划分代替阶级的划分。有些资产阶级社会学家把阶级的概念溶化在阶层的概念之中,借以掩盖资本主义社会阶级对立的实质。同一阶级的不同阶层,政治态度不完全相同。阶层的划分可以具体了解各阶级内部的不同社会集团和各阶级之间的关系,认清各阶级的发展变化和阶级斗争的形势,可以为制定正确的战略和策略提供依据。