1.Discussion on "Labor Contract Law" to Protect the Lawful Rights and Interests of the Laborers;《劳动合同法》保护劳动者合法权益刍议
2.Restudy on the Payroll Distribution of the Wide Laborers in the Market Economy;市场经济与劳动者工资分配的再研究
3.Theory and Tactics of Xu Te-li to Train the Creative Laborers;徐特立培养创造性劳动者的理论与策略

1.A laborer on strike.罢工者在罢工的劳动者
2.The Analysis of Skill of Labor Force,Mobility of Labor Force and Income Redistribution;劳动者技能、劳动力流动与收入再分配
3.Those who work deserve to eat; those who do not work deserve to starve劳动者该得食,不劳者该挨饿
4.Ensure that the workers enjoy their rights and perform their obligations.保障劳动者享有劳动权利和履行劳动义务。
5.Changes about Location of Labor Law and Alternation of the Theory about Workers and the Labor Workforce;劳动法定位的转变与劳动者、劳动力理论的更新
6.Those who engage in mental work are also workers.从事脑力劳动的人也是劳动者
7.The State encourages the workers to participate in social voluntary labour,国家提倡劳动者参加社会义务劳动,
8.Carry out labour safety and health care education among the workers对劳动者进行劳动安全卫生教育,
9.When labour disputes arise between the employers and workers,用人单位与劳动者发生劳动争议,
10.IV. The Right to Work of Citizens and the Rights and Interests of Workers四、公民的劳动权和劳动者的权益
11.Meanwhile, wages have been rising rapidly;劳动者的劳动报酬迅速增长。
12.Workers Right of Lawsuit and Working Arbitration Law;《劳动争议调解仲裁法》与劳动者的“诉权”
13.Discussion on "Labor Contract Law" to Protect the Lawful Rights and Interests of the Laborers;《劳动合同法》保护劳动者合法权益刍议
14.Labor Contract Law And Protection Of Laborer’s Legal Rights And Interests;《劳动合同法》与劳动者合法权益的保护
15.A Brief Talk on How to Safeguard the Labourers Legitimate Rights and Interests in a Better Way;《劳动法》是劳动者捍卫合法权益的法宝
16.Identification Problem of Laborers in the Application of Labor Law;劳动法适用中劳动者身份的识别问题
17.A Probe into Laborers in Master Position and Labor Power as Commodities;劳动者主人翁与劳动力商品问题新探
18.Employees Should be on Guard Against Traps in Concluding Labor Contract;劳动者签订劳动合同应提防“陷阱”

1.Trial Discussion on the Realization Condition of Maintaining the Lawful Rights and Interests of the Wide Laborers;试论维护劳动者合法权益的实现条件
2.On the absolution of one side in the labor contract;论劳动合同中劳动者单方预告解除
3.Connecting with the concrete contents of <Labor Contract Law>,this paper analyzes the influences of <Labor Contract Law> on the labors,enterprises and industries.结合《劳动合同法》的具体内容,分析了《劳动合同法》对劳动者、企业和产业的影响。
1.The laud of laborers in Robert Frost’s poems;劳动者之歌——解析美国著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗歌中的劳动者
2.A Discuss to Relationship among Enterprises, Owners, Managers and Other Laborers and Related Legal Regulation in Case of M&A;浅论并购中企业及所有者与经营者和其他劳动者的关系暨法律规制
3.Labor contracts are important basis and guarantee of standardizing labour recruitment action,settling labour disputes,and significant legal weapon of safeguarding laborers legitimate rights and interests by trade unions.目前,《劳动合同法》正在制定中,明确工会在劳动合同制度中的地位,对于在立法中进一步加强和完善工会在劳动合同制度中的职责,充分发挥工会维护劳动者合法权益和协调劳动关系的作用,实现建设和谐劳动关系及和谐社会的目标有着重要的意义。
1.On the Democratic Rights of Socialist Labourers;论社会主义劳动者的民主权及其实现
2.Reflection on the Theory of United Front Existed Socialism Labourers;“社会主义劳动者之间也有统一战线”的思考
1.Study on the Protection of Workers Privacy Rights;劳动者隐私权保护问题研究
2.The right to know is of great significance for safeguarding workers right and interest.《劳动合同法》第八条首次明确对知情权作出了规定,《就业促进法》等法律中也有知情权的规定,知情权对维护劳动者的劳动权益更有特殊而重要的意义,必须对其性质、特征有一个正确的了解,要认识到劳动法上的知情权是劳动权的重要内容,也是构筑其他劳动权利的的基础和前提,具有基本权利固有的特征,因而,要采取有效的实现机制和救济机制保障知情权的实现。
3.Those legislations on privacy protection centered on civil law are inadequate to protect workers,so we should establish a privacy protection system corresponding to labor law.以民法为中心的隐私权立法不足以保护劳动者,应构建契合劳动法理念的隐私权保护制度。
1.There are serious deficiencies on the regulation of the employee\'s scope in Labor Law, which makes it difficult to protect employees.《劳动法》关于劳动者范围的规定存在严重缺陷,并且日益暴露,使得劳动者保护面临困难,《劳动合同法》针对《劳动法》的规定进行了修改与完善,但是本文认为《劳动合同法》依然没有从根本上解决问题。
2.University students who work in foreign fast food enterprises in their part time should have the employee’s status.在洋快餐兼职的大学生应当具有劳动者身份。
3.To meet the need of changing from management-oriented to service-oriented,the government should serve both employers and employees in accordance with the laws.政府在行政执法活动中应当优先保障劳动者合法权益,在正确区分法律规避与法律违反的前提下保护用人单位合法权益;政府应当细化劳务派遣规定、规制格式条款。
