1.The Combination of Industrialists and Cause of Charity——Modern Industrialists of Jiangsu and Promotion of “Charity” in Late Qing Dynasty;实业家与慈善事业的结合——近代江苏实业家与晚清“义赈”的兴起
2.Charity is closely linked with social work;慈善事业与社会工作的关系探析

1.Of, relating to, or dependent on charity.慈善慈善的,关于慈善的,依靠救济的
2.The state or quality of being kind, charitable, or beneficial.慈善善良、慈善或有益的状态或品质
3.of,for or connected with a charity or charities慈善组织的;为慈善组织的;关于慈善组织的
4.Of, relating to, or marked by philanthropy; humanitarian.慈善的,博爱的慈善的,慈善事业的;博爱的
5.Studying Charity History and Paying Attention to Charity Career--On A Brief History of Charity in China;研究慈善历史 关注慈善事业——兼评《中国慈善简史》
6.International Council of Goodwill Industries国际慈善事业理事会(慈善理事会)
7."benevolence:an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts."仁慈:表现为有善良、慈善行为的意向。
8.An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts.仁慈表现为有善良、慈善行为的意向
9.generosity as manifested by practicing charity (as for the poor or unfortunate).通过开办慈善机构来显示其仁慈。
10.Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward、博爱对他人或人类的仁慈或慷慨
11.The Transformation of Charitable Houses to Modern Charitable Organizations in the Late Qing Dynasty;晚清善会善堂向近代慈善组织的转型
12.Brewin Trust Fund蒲鲁贤慈善信托基金
13.Chan Chun-ha Charitable Trust陈震夏慈善信托基金
14.This is a charity school.这是一所慈善学校。
15.Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund李宝椿慈善信托基金
16.Hospital Authority Charitable Fund医院管理局慈善基金
17.charitable trust公益信托,慈善基金
18.This school is maintained by a charity.该校由一慈善机构资助.

1.The Research on the Development of Philanthropy with Chinese Characteristics;中国特色慈善事业发展研究
2.The precondition for voluntarily philanthropic participation of the teachers taking part in the philanthropy enterprise includes the teachers should have the awareness of participation,charitable organizations should give assistance and the government organizations should provide aids to them.成人高校教师参与志愿性慈善可以提高学校社会地位、改善自身形象、壮大社会慈善力量等;其参与的前提条件是个人要有积极的参与意识和行动,慈善组织及有关部门等给予必要的帮助和支持;至于具体参与的方式,可以开展慈善教育、社会募捐和智力援助等。
3.The basic connotation of the word "philanthropy" and correlative words in Chinese tradition is far apart from the basic spirit of modern "philanthropy.中国传统之“慈善”及其他相关语词的基本内涵,与现代“慈善”概念的基本精神相距甚远,有代表性之六种类型的传统慈善行为,具有浓郁的封建宗法性或宗教性,并不具备现代慈善事业所必备的非官方性和社会公益性。
1.He devoted himself to iron and steel industry,charities and other progressive movement to improve the marketing,scale and monopolization of iron and steel and to promote the change from private owner and partnership to cooperation.他的管理思想主要有:避开过度竞争,重视规模、集约和成本,关注顾客、质量与流程;他的经营理念是诚信、慈善、节俭、审慎;他奉行的是“与所有人交往,不与任何人结盟”的原则。
2.This paper analyzes Zhang Jian s motive for initiating charities in N antong.张謇立足南通,在“父实业、母教育”的同时,大力兴办慈善事业。
3.In the transition time from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, Zhang Jian, devoted himself to charities of Nantong, set up institutions like hospitals, rest homes, invalid homes , prostitute reform houses, and factories for people in poverty.清末民初,政局变幻,张謇立足南通,致力于实业,教育、慈善事业,成果卓著。
1.Charity and benevolent policy: a study on Jiangnan charity in Song Dynasty;宋代江南地区慈善事业研究
2.From Orphanage to Charity: Crisis and Change of Traditional Charity in the Republic of China, A Case Study of Orphanage in Baoding;从育婴堂到救济院:民国时期传统慈善事业的危机与转型——以保定育婴堂研究为中心
3.Research on the Tax Policy of the Promotion of Charity;促进慈善事业发展的税收政策研究
1.A Study on Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan Area s Modern Philanthropy;近代港澳台地区的慈善事业述论
2.Difficult and Countermeasure: The Philanthropy Development in Our Country at Present;困境与对策:我国现阶段慈善事业的发展
3.A Study of the Development of Philanthropy in the Third Distribution Undertakings in China;我国第三次分配中的慈善事业发展研究
