信用证,Letter of Credit
1)Letter of Credit信用证
1.On the cause of fraudulent trading of letter of credit and its prevention;论信用证欺诈成因及防范
2.Breach of contract in settlement of account by letter of credit;信用证结算中期前违约制度探析
3.Dilemma and Solutions to the Independence Principle of Letter of Credit;信用证独立性原则的困境与出路

1.Confirm letter of credit确认信用证,保兑信用证
2.Documentary letter of credit押汇信用证,跟单信用证
3.Letter of credit belongs to banker's credit.信用证属于银行信用。
4.application for documentary credit跟单信用证开证申请书
5.ISP98 and Electronic Letter of Credit;国际备用信用证惯例(ISP98)与电子信用证
6.Unconfirmed letter of credit不确认信用证,不保兑信用证
7.packing letter of credit包装信用证,红条标信用证
8.Clean letter of credit无担保信用证,不跟单信用证
9.Anticipatory L/C is opposite to time L/C.预支信用证刚好与远期信用证相反。
10.Your letter of credit is used up.你的信用证用完了。
11.cumulative revolving credit累积使用循环信用证
12.letter of credit ,in quantity as commercial transactions信用证,大量地用作交易
13.Features and Differentiations of Documentary Letter of Credit letter and Standby Letter of Credit;跟单信用证与备用信用证的性质及其区别
14.To suggest an amendment to an l/c提出更改信用证的建议
15.The letter of credit have be open In your favor .信用证已开给贵方名下。
16.irrevocable letter of credit,不可撤销的信用证
17.We only accept sight L/C.我们只接受即期信用证
18.irrevocable and confirm credit保兑不可撤销的信用证

1.Analysis on the Questions Existing in the Exception Rule of L/C Fraud;信用证欺诈例外原则的问题分析
2.Analysis on the Types of Soft Clause in L/C and its Risk Prevention;浅析信用证软条款的类型及风险防范
3)the letter of credit信用证
1.With the development of China foreign trades,the letter of credit is used as the most common payment and becomes more and more important in foreign trades.随着我国对外贸易的发展,信用证作为最常见的结算支付方式,在我国对外经济贸易中的作用日益重要。
2.Although the cases of fraud on the letter of credit frequently occur in international trade, few countries have specific stipulations on them.国际贸易中信用证欺诈案件屡屡发生,但多数国家在立法上并没有就此做出专门规定。
4)letters of credit信用证
1.Researches on techniques for verifying letters of credit;有关信用证审核的若干技巧的探讨
2.As the new verification criteria for letters of credit advanced by UCP600 have laid down new regulations for verifying letters of credit, a tremendous impact will be exerted on the use of the letter of credit.UCP600提出的信用证新审单标准奠定了信用证单据审核的新规则,将对信用证的运用产生巨大的影响。
3.credit independence principle has been widely recognized and practice,however,there exist some misunderstanding in understanding the independence of letters of credit;the one-way nature of the independence of the letter of credit is often overlooked.信用证独立性原则已经得到了广泛的认可和实践,但对信用证独立性的理解还存在着一些误解,信用证独立性的单向性常常被忽视。
5)letter of credit(L/C)信用证
1.Risks in collecting export proceeds under letter of credit(L/C) mainly comes from fabricating L/C and"soft clause" L/C.信用证支付方式下的收汇风险主要由伪造信用证和"软条款"信用证引起,出口商防范外汇风险的措施包括:慎重选择贸易伙伴;提高业务人员素质;严格审证,认真备单,等等。
2.Letter of credit(L/C)is a main legal instrument of international settlement which is widely used in international trade.信用证作为当今国际贸易中被普遍使用的一种结算方式,在贸易结算中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
6)credit instrument信用证凭证
