1.Preliminary Analysis of Consensus and Difference on Climate Change Negotiation;气候变化谈判的共识与分歧初析
2.On synthesizing opinions——how can we reach consensus;意见综合——怎样达成共识
3.The Cultural Difference and Consensus That is under the Globalization Background: The Issue of Habermas and Derrida;全球化背景下的文化差异与共识:哈贝马斯与德里达之争

1.A Comparison between "Washington Consensus" and "Beijing Consensus"“华盛顿共识”与“北京共识”比较
2.I think much of my friends' common sense.我尊重我朋友们的共识
3.IV. Bringing the People to a Common Level of Understanding四、赢得人民的共识
4.government by consultation and consensus咨询与共识并重的政制
5.The CPC s Relentless Probe into the Reform Consensus;中国共产党关于改革共识的不懈探索
6.People have long realized that knowledge is power.知识就是力量,这是人们的共识
7.Currently: Joint self-discipline, common reached a consensus on safeguarding rights.目前:在联合自律,共同维权上达成了共识
8.Knowledge sharing and encapsulating in creation of organization knowledge组织知识创造中知识共享与知识封闭
9.His meagre knowledge arouses no sympathy in others.他见识浅陋,无人共鸣。
10.Knowledge-sharing,Knowledge-sharing Willingness of Employees and Foundation of the Trust;员工知识共享、知识共享意愿与信任基础
11.Construction and Promotion of Knowledge Sharing Mechanism: Knowledge Sharing in Hong Kong知识共享机制的构建与推进——知识共享在香港
12.Research on Knowledge Sharing Model and Sharing Mechanism in Supply Chain供应链知识共享模式及共享机制研究
13.The Understanding of the CPC by the Communist International and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevics) During the War Against Japanese Aggression论抗日战争时期共产国际、联共(布)对中共的认识
14.Knowledge sharing is prerequisite to enterprise's knowledge integration.知识共享是企业整合知识资源的前提。
15.A method for measuring and identifying the organizational knowledge sharing capability;组织知识共享能力的测评与识别方法
16.Analysis on the Invisible Knowledge Sharing in the Knowledge Management;知识管理中的隐性知识共享问题分析
17.Research of Knowledge-Sharing Mechanisms to Knowledge-Based Service Industry;面向知识服务业的知识共享机制研究
18.Research of Knowledge Sharing Mode about Knowledge-based Corporation Based on IT基于IT的知识型企业知识共享模式研究

common understanding共识
1.The common understanding in the book lays an important foundation for the development of anthropology in China in the 21st century.《人类学本土化在中国》是人类学的重要数据库和思想库 ,从中可以看到人类学界的许多共识 ,这些共识为 2 1世纪中国人类学的大发展奠定了重要的思想基
2.Political common understanding of modern democratic society mainly i ncludes common understandings of the basic value and the procedure.现代民主社会的政治共识主要包括基本价值的共识和程序的共识
3.There are two reasons for the compounding formation:first of all ,they originate from the common understanding of the language material of coinage,secondly,they come from the common sense of recognition.它的有理性 :一是来源于人们对造词所运用的语言材料的共识性 ,二是源于人们认识的共通性。
3)common sense共识
1.In order to attain these ends,people adopt various means,which should be judged by laws,morality and common sense among communities.价值多元视角下的德育,更强调德育的开放性、丰富性和相关性,注重从传统文化中吸收更多的精神资源,更加强调理性和共识
2.In the past 30 years,great achievements have been made and common sense has been reached,but some important differences still remain.经过差不多三十年的发展,中国社会学史的研究获得了长足的发展,取得丰硕的成果,既取得了很多共识,也存在一些重要分歧。
3.Therefore,the hegemony of "common sense" didn’t cause the evident divergence among people’s value on justice,which means that common sense was neither a social nor theoretical issue.在前现代社会,人们对现存制度和个人行为的评价体系完全陷于意识形态、神圣观念、权力和国家的"信条"中,所以"共识"的霸权给人们并没有造成正义价值观念的明显分裂,共识在前现代社会并不是一个社会和理论问题。
1.There is much agreement and serious divergence between Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi on how to regulate national economy.围绕国民经济调整问题,作为党和国家最高领导人的毛泽东和刘少奇达成了诸多共识,但同时也存在一些严重的甚至原则性的分歧。
2.Fuzzy words used in the translation studies, such as science, art, create, reproduction, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, have caused a great many disagreements among the Chinese translation theorists.认识模糊词的模糊特性,限制模糊词的意义,排除模糊词可能引起的歧义,用同一种语言说话和理解他人的观点,翻译研究中的一些重大理论问题,如翻译的性质和标准,都可以达成共识
5)environmental protection cognition环保共识
6)public consciousness公共意识
1.The modern growth of public consciousness is the intrinsic demand of constructing a Socialist Harmonious Society.公共意识的现代生长是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在价值诉求,没有公共意识的现代生长,就难有社会主义和谐社会的构建。
2.At present, there is existing a current problem that in some field of Chinese social public consciousness defaults, which brings a series of problems for public management.当前中国社会公共领域存在着公共意识缺失的问题,给公共管理造成极大的负担。
3.Affected by the traditional views of the state and the family,the traditional Chinese education lacks public consciousness.公共意识是人们对社会公共领域的认识和行为的自觉性,它是社会秩序构建的基础。
