1.The basic concept of administrative contract privilege-Reservation of the public administrative power;论行政合同特权基本制控理念——权力保留
2.On the weighing of interests in the event of privilege of refusal to bear witness in criminal procedure;论刑事拒绝作证特权中的利益衡量
3.On Deng Xiaoping s Anti-privilege Ideology;试论邓小平的反特权思想

1.Of, arising from, or exercising a prerogative.特权的,因特权而有的或行使特权
2."Used to indicate possession of a specified power, right, or privilege."表示拥有某种特殊权力、权利或特权.
3.To deprive of legal rights, powers, or privileges.剥夺权利剥夺法定权利、权力或特权
4.right or privilege granted by authority当局授予的权利或特权
5.extraterritorial rights and privileges治外法权及其特权.
6.It is not allowed to use one's power to seek privileges.不允许把职权变成特权
7.Authorization granted by authority; conferred power.(授予的)权威,权力特权授予的权力;授予的权力
8.To grant a privilege to.授予…特权(或优惠)
9.Java Security (Delete Privilege)Java安全性 (删除特权)
10.Java Security (Edit Privileges)Java安全性 (编辑特权)
11.grant, withdraw a franchise授予、 撤销特权.
12.privilege or right that goes with the ownership of property附属于财产所有权的特权或权利
13.Contrary to constitutional right, power, privilege, or immunity.与宪法权利、权力、特权及豁免相反的
14.An encroachment, as of a right or privilege.侵权侵害一项权利或特权
15.From Privilege to Private Right:the Making of Modern Copyright;从特权到私权:近代版权制度的产生
16.From "Privilege" to "Property Right": A Perspective of the Origin of Patent Right从“特权”到“财产权”:专利权之起源探微
17.To deprive of a privilege, an immunity, or a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote; disenfranchise.剥夺权利剥夺…的特权、豁免权或公民权,尤指选举权;剥夺…的权利
18.The territory or limits within which immunity, a privilege, or a right may be exercised.特区可以享有豁免权、特权或权利的区域范围

1.It differs from an ordinary contract in its restrictions over and privileges for the administrative body as well as its allowance for contractual defects and remedies.在行政主体合同权利的限制、行政主体在合同中的特权、合同的瑕疵与救济方面 ,行政合同均存在有别于普通合同的特性。
2.The contradiction between democracy and privileges is one of the most prominent contradictions influencing the overall development of China at this stage.民主与特权的矛盾是现阶段影响我国人的全面发展的较为突出的矛盾之一。
3.It is the most important characteristic that the administrative body has privileges in administrative contract.行政合同中行政主体拥有特权是行政合同制度的最重要特征。
3)Specific privilege特种特权
4)A privilege or concession.特权,特许
6)taxation privileges捐税特权
1.This Company in China superiority achieved,based on its special taxation privileges.英美烟公司在华优势地位的取得,与它在特殊的历史条件下攫取的捐税特权有关。
