1.The Influence of Middle Ages Theology to Western Tradition of Law;中世纪神学对西方法治传统的影响
2.Aesthetics thought of Augustinus in the theology vision;奥古斯丁神学美学思想刍议
3.On the Relationship Between Philosophy, Religion and Theology;作为哲学的宗教和作为宗教的哲学——论哲学、宗教和神学之间的关系

1.of or relating to or concerning theology.神学的,与神学有关的,或有关神学的。
2.the faculty of law [ medicine, theology ]法律[医学, 神学]系
3.Doctor of Science [Medicine; Laws; Divinity]理学[医学、法学、神学]博士
4.he studied theology at Oxford.他在牛津大学学习神学
5.Doctor of Divinity神学博士(略作D.D.)
6.Mythology in those days was science and philosophy; mythology, philosophy and science will exist together.神学在当年就是科学、学;神学、学、学将综合存在。
7.She also has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary.她也在福乐神学和联合神学院教书。
8.the Theologization and Ruxuehua of the Culture of Supernatural Being and Alchemist in Qin and Han Dynasties------the Two Step;秦汉神仙方士文化的神学化与儒学化
9.psychoanalytic psychiatry精神分析的精神医学
10.A student or scholar of mythology.神话学家,神话编撰者神话学的学生或学者
11.Supernatural Spirit of Wine and Tragedy Spirit in Nietzsche s Philosophy;论尼采哲学中的酒神精神与悲剧精神
12.From Neuroeconomics and Neuromarketing to Neuromanagement;从神经经济学和神经营销学到神经管理学
13.Foreign Medical Sciences Section On Neurology & Neurosurgery国外医学.神经病学神经外科学分册
14.Cultivation of Medical Humanism Spirit in the teaching of psychiatry精神病学教学中医学人文精神的培养
15.Analysis of the Scientific Spirit and the Cultivation of College Students' Scientific Spirit论科学精神与大学生科学精神的培养
16.cabbala =cabalan. 犹太神秘哲学
17.Any of the sciences, such as neuroanatomy and neurobiology, that deal with the nervous system.神经科学诸如神经解剖学和神经生物学这类研究神经系统的科学
18.To interpret or write about myths or mythology.编撰神话,评论神话解释或写作神话或神话学

Theological aesthetics神学美学
1.Analysis of the Causes and Significance of the theological aesthetics thoughts in the 20th Century;迷茫与救赎——试析20世纪西方神学美学思潮出现的原因及意义
2.From a theological point of view, Balthasar, the most important theologist and esthetician of 20 th century in the West, reevaluates the position of aesthetics and illustrates the characteristics of theological aesthetics, objective structure of beauty and the process of beauty appreciation.巴尔塔萨是 2 0世纪西方最重要的神学家和美学家 ,他从神学出发对美学的重新定位、神学美学的特点、美的客体结构、审美过程所做的论述 ,呈现了他独特的神学美学体系 ,对我们了解西方神学美学的最新学术成就具有意
3.The previous researchs on Thomas Aquinas theological aesthetics were focused on its aesthetic aspect in isolation, seldom noticed the this-shore characterstics demonstrated within it, and rarely explored the profound philosophic reasons hiden in the change of that-shore to this-shore in aesthetics.他主张哲学与神学的分离,试图以哲学为工具来为哲学服务,意在保持神学的纯粹性,却客观上改变了神学的哲学基础;他高度重视人论美学建设,意在体现神学美学的伟大,客观上却以感性美掩盖了神性美,推动了美学此岸转向。
3)theological philosophy神学哲学
4)S.T.B. Bachelor of Sacred Theology神学学士
5)mythology and theology神话学与神学
1.Eliot s two masterpieces The Waste Land and Four Quartets in the following three aspects: 1) the adoption of mythology and theology; 2) the depersonalized and personalized language 3)intricate imagery structure and musical structure.本文从神话学与神学的运用、非个性化与个性化的语言以及意象性结构与音乐性结构等三个方面对T。
6)scientific spirit科学精神
1.Coordination and unification of humanistic culture and scientific spirit;人文文化与科学精神的协调统一——论青年医师成才之路
2.Founding corporation culture by scientific spirit;论以科学精神构建企业文化
