1.The Origin Seeking Present Situation Reconsidering and Restructuring of Our Country Parole System;我国假释制度的探源、现状反思与重构

1.To release(a prisoner)on parole.假释假释的方式释放(罪犯)
2.One who is released on parole.获假释者,假释犯,凭誓获释者获假释的人或凭宣誓而获释的人
3.The parole board recommend him for parole.假释委员会推荐给他假释
4.The probation period for parole is counted as commencing on the date of parole.假释考验期限,从假释之日起计算。
5.The prisoner applied to the governor for parole.囚犯向狱长申请假释
6.International Training Workshop on Probation国际假释训练讲习班
7.Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole.囚犯有权申请假释
8.No parole shall be granted without due legal process.非经法定程序不得假释
9.The Side Effects and Overcoming of Parole:from the Angle of View on theTheory of Right to Parole;论假释的副作用及其克服——以假释权利观为视角
10.On the Nature of Parole;假释本质研究——兼论假释权的性质及归属
11.He is released on the recommendation of the parole board or on the parole board's recommendation.因假释委员会的建议他被释放。
12.The duration of such conditional release.假释期这种有条件释放的期限
13.Article33 Where a people's court has made a ruling on parole, the prison shall parole the prisoner as scheduled and issue him a certificate of parole.第三十三条人民法院裁定假释的,监狱应当按期假释并发给假释证明书。
14.For criminals who are paroled, the period stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be counted from the date the parole expires.前款规定的期限,对于被假释的犯罪分子,从假释期满之日起计算。
15.During the prison term, Paunch could be released on parole only under supervision.刑期内可以假释,但在假释期内,庞奇必须置于他人监督之下。
16.During the probation period for parole, a criminal element who is granted parole is to be supervised by the public security organs, and upon completion of the parole,被假释的犯罪分子,在假释考验期限内,由公安机关予以监督,
17.They had broken their parole and fled.他们违背假释誓言,逃之夭夭。
18.A duplicate of the ruling on parole shall be sent to the people's procuratorate.假释裁定的副本应当抄送人民检察院。

parole system假释制度
1.Design and Implementation of Prison Parole Management Information System;监狱减刑假释管理系统的设计与实现
4)The concept of parole假释观念
5)the parole conditions假释条件
6)parole application假释适用
1.The essence of exception stipulation of parole application is the problem of valuable trend when there is a conflict of value on justice and benefit.假释适用的例外性规定的实质是在假释制度的公正与效益价值产生矛盾时的价值取向问题。
