1.A new milestone in scientific socialism——Probing of Deng Xiaoping s thought on common prosperity;科学社会主义的一座新的里程碑——邓小平共同富裕思想探析
2.The Milestone to Chinese Traditional Culture Negation——Episode Ⅲ to Criticism of 《History on Confucianism》;否定中国传统文化的里程碑——《中国儒教史》批评之三
3.The Two Milestones in the Development of Chinese Traditional Bibliographical Theory and Their Relationship;我国传统目录学理论发展的两大里程碑及其关系

1.We pass a milestone.我们途经一块里程碑
2.Three landmarks stand out.经历了三个里程碑
3.a landmark in the history of modern art当代艺术史上的里程碑
4.People as Milestones in the Chinalization of Sociology;社会学中国化进程中的里程碑式人物
5.Drag this Milestone marker to a Timeline shape and then choose Configure Milestone.将此里程碑标记拖到时间线形状上,然后选择“配置里程碑”。
6.Please drag this Milestone marker to a Timeline shape and then choose Configure Milestone.请将此里程碑标记拖到时间线形状上,然后选择“配置里程碑”。
7.Review high-level schedule milestones here此处检查各关键里程碑的进度安排
8."Dancing Beijing" is a milestone of the Olympics.“舞动的北京”是一座奥林匹克的里程碑
9.A valid milestone shape is not present on the active page.活动页上没有有效的里程碑形状。
10.Our lives are plotted out with milestones.我们的人生是以里程碑做标识的。
11.""Milestone" [information management system methodology]"“里程碑”〔信息管理系统方法〕
12.This event signals a milestone for China's software industry.这是中国软件工业的一个里程碑
13.Control the key milestone such as NRP and CER.控制关键里程碑节点,如NRP,CER.
14.a landmark decision that set a legal precedent.确立了法律判例的里程碑式的决定
15.What task information do you want to display with your milestone symbols?需要在里程碑符号旁显示的任务信息:
16.The teacher outlined landmarks in the history of mankind.老师概述了人类历史上的里程碑
17.They hailed the agreement as a "landmark".他们把那协议赞颂为“里程碑”。
18.To reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone.到达并超越了终点或里程碑

1.A Landmark of Modern Library Buildings:A Review for the New Library Buildings of the World,Second Edition;现代图书馆建筑新的里程碑——评再版《国际图书馆建筑大观》
2.Running the country according to law and building a socialist country governed by law” put forward in the report of the 15th Conference of CPC is a new landmark in China s legal modernization.党的十五大报告明确提出“依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家” ,这是我们党对马克思主义国家建设理论的重要贡献 ,是中国法制现代化建设的新的里程碑
3)landmark event里程碑事件
5)new milestone新的里程碑
6)an all new milestone全新里程碑

护国寺感应碑  见西夏文石刻。