1.Analysis on the Illegality of the Trade-based Production and Process Methods;针对产品生产和加工方法贸易措施的违法性分析
2.Environmental infringement act has the value of justice and social practicality to some extent,so it is difficult to determine its illegality.传统民事责任理论以行为人的行为具有违法性为要件,环境侵权行为具有相当程度的价值正当性和社会有用性,很难认定其具有违法性
3.The opinion that substance of illegality is on worthless of consequence is prevailing in the theory circles in Criminal law of china.违法性的本质在于结果无价值的观点,在我国刑法理论界颇为流行。

1.On the Relation between Criminal Illegality and the Elements of Crime;刑事违法性理论的合理构建——刑事违法性违法性比较研究
2.The illegality which is short of punishment should be ground for elimination of illegality.缺乏可罚的违法性应当是违法性阻却事由。
3.There's an argument between objective illegitimacy and subjective illegitimacy in criminal Illegitimacy of continental law system.在德日刑事违法性理论中,一直存在着“主观的违法性论”和“客观的违法性论”之间的争论。
4.Legal Interest and Ethics:Double Choices of Substantial Illegality;法益与伦理:实质违法性的双重选择
5.On the Concept of Unlawfulness in Torts Law;侵权法中“违法性”概念的产生原因
6.Comparison Research on the Theory of Substantive Illegality in Continental Legal System大陆法系违法性本质理论的比较研究
7.Reflection on Illegality Consciousness--On the Relationship Between Illegality Consciousness and Crime Intention;对违法性意识的反思——试论违法性意识与犯罪故意的关系
8.Criminal Illegality as the Essence of Crime;论刑事违法性作为犯罪本质的合理性
9.On the Relatonship Between Harmfulness of Crime to Society and Infraction of Criminal Law;社会危害性与刑事违法性及其关系论
10.The Comparison of Change and Return of Criminal Illegality between China and Russian;中俄刑事违法性的流变与复归之比较
11.offend all laws of humanity.违反所有人性的法规
12.The quality or condition of being illegitimate.非法性,不法性违法的性质或状态
13.Discussion on Building Rules and Regulations for Preventing Illegal Activities of Post论预防和控制职务性违法违纪的制度建设
14.The Study of Regulation Effective of Illegal Behaviors on Securities Market证券市场违法违规惩戒制度的有效性研究
15.From Illegal Land Expropriation to Violating Rules of Dispatching Police--The Research of Group Events Based on Land Expropriation从违法征地到违规用警——“征地型”群体性事件研究
16.(v) The contract violates a mandatory provision of any law or administrative regulation.(五)违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定。
17.It was ill going against a mother's instinct.违犯母亲天性的做法总不大好。
18.One-sidedness violates dialectics.所谓片面性,就是违反辩证法。

1.On The Relationship between the Unlawfulness and the Fault——Centering on the Comparison between the French Law and the German Law再论违法性与过错的关系——以法国法与德国法的比较为中心
2.The meaning and function of unlawfulness are different from fault.违法性的含义与功能不同于过错。
3.In the Law of Tort,the dispute about whether the unlawful should be distinguished from the fault and whether the unlawfulness should be existed as an independent part of the Law of Tort has lasted for several centuries.侵权行为法中,违法性是否应该与过错相区别而作为构成要件一部分的争论已经延续了数个世纪。
1.Group events can be divided into three categories: general,illegal and criminal.群体性事件可以分为常性、违法性、罪性。
2.The author studies illegal cognition from three aspects: its determination, construction and value.违法性认识问题历来是刑法学界争论的焦点。
3.Illegality refers to the objective evaluation about action which is done by law.目前,有一类侵权行为(主要是达标排放而造成他人合法权益损害的环境侵权),我们很难说它们具有违法性
4)Violation of Constitution in Good Faith良性违法
6)recessive law-breaking隐性违法
1.In the legal profession,no enough attention has been paid to the phenomenon of recessive law-breaking by rural children staying at home and far away from their working parents elsewhere.农村留守儿童"隐性违法"是一个人们未曾关注到的法律隐蔽角落。
