1.Is the Inhumanity Enough Account to Abolish the Capital Punishment?;不人道是废除死刑的充足理由吗
2.The penalty is a country s response to the crime,be supposed take to the human nature respect as a starting point,take the humanity spirit as the instruction,causes the criminal law to become one art which makes the human to do good deeds.刑罚作为一个国家应对犯罪的反应方式,应以对人性的尊重为出发点,以人道精神为指导,使刑法成为一门引人向善的艺术。
3.,a harmonious relationship between the physical use of human capital and humanity.主要原因是混淆人力资本的真实目的:物用与人道及其关系,着重分析人力资本的三种现象“谋物损人”、“谋物不损人”与“谋人谋物”及其伦理内涵。

1.The Tao about Changes, Gods, Human and Deities in the Book of Changes;《易传》中的易道与天道、人道及神道
2."There you go again," said his father-in-law.丈人道:“你又来了!
3."Oh, you teach?" said the woman.那女人道:“教书的?
4.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微
5.Natural Laws,Moral Principles and Moral Cultivation--Wisdom in Education Embodied in The Doctrine of the Mean天道·人道·修道——感悟《中庸》的教育智慧
6.On the Relationship between Morality and Man from the Perspectives of Hominization Morality and Standard Morality从成人道德与规范道德看道德与人的关系
7.These men cannot entirely divest themselves of hunanity.这种人也不是全无人道
8.People of that kind/sort never apologize.那种人从来不向人道歉.
9.Humanism:an Explanation on Its Ambiguity;Humanism:人文主义或人道主义
10.Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs人道主义事务执行委员会(人道执委会)
11.Independent Bureau for Humanitarian Issues人道主义问题独立事务局(人道事务局)
12.A narrow path for persons on foot.小道,人行道供人们步行的狭窄道路
13."Don't tell me there's someone else besides?" she asked.她道:“难道还有旁人么?”
14.He's an Englishmanthrough and through, ie He has many typically English characteristics.他是地地道道的英国人.
15." No," came the reply."不,"仆人回答道。
16.Nonsense,@ laughed the city man.“胡说,”城里人笑道,
17.Quanzhen Taoist Wang Daoyuan s "Dao" Thought and "Human" Thought;全真道士王道渊的“道论”与“人论”
18.A path marked off for pedestrians crossing a street.人行横道供行人横穿街道用并刻有标记的小道

1.They involve maintaining social justice,seeking humanism and promoting harmonious development between social members.中国的大同社会论与西方的空想社会论都表现出对理想社会的美好憧憬和追求,都触及了维护社会公平、追求人道、促进社会成员协调发展等现代社会保障最基本的宗旨原则,客观上为社会保障理论与实践的发展提供了指导,这些思想成为现代社会保障制度重要的思想来源。
2.Sartre argues that "Existence precedes essence",and advocates that existentialism is really humanism.萨特提出“存在先于本质”的命题,主张存在主义是一种真正的人道主义。
3.Xu was eager to seek humanism, but ran up against obstacles frequently in his real life.徐志摩一生热切地追求人道之爱,但在现实生活中屡屡碰壁,爱的理想难以实现,对爱的追求也给他带来无尽苦恼,这使他常常求助于上帝,以上帝之言来附会自己的人生体验。
1.Human-orientedness is the ethics for the logical starting point of ideological and political education;humanitarianism is the ethics for value guidance of ideological and political education;humanism is the ethics for operational conditions of ideological and political education.人本是思想政治教育逻辑起点的道德法则,人道是思想政治教育价值导向的道德法则,人文是思想政治教育运行条件的道德法则。
2.However it s been changed in modern age, with the progress of the social material civilization and the spiritual civilization, to the penalty rationality of cognitive of turn continuously and deeply and the influence of the humanitarianism spirit, people have a doubt to the rationality of death penalty, and carry on to this problem thorou.然而自近代以来,随着社会物质文明和精神文明的进步、人们思想意识的提高、对刑罚理性的认识的不断深化以及人道主义精神的影响,人们对死刑的正当性产生了怀疑,并对这个问题进行了深入的分析,引起了一场持续两百多年的死刑存废之论争。
1.Because liberty that is the essential principle of humanitarian is an ultimate condition for self- realization and society progress.人道原则是以德治国的题中应有之义。
