1.The Doctrine of Cheng Fu,that is theoretical proposition about retribution of Taoism,advocates that goodness and evil is mutually succeeded as well as woe and weal.承负说即道教因果报应论,它主张善恶祸福前承后负,以行为者本人及其子孙为承报主体而代代相报,承报范围涉及社会人事及自然的方方面面。
2.Penalty fairness has two kinds of bases: One is the penalty retribution basis which holds that the assignment of the penalty quantity should be equivalent to the ascertained crime.刑罚的公平性有两种根据:一种是刑罚的报应根据,认为刑罚量的分配应该与已然之罪等量或等价;二是刑罚的预防根据,认为刑罚量的分配应该与未然之罪相适应。
3.The evil name of penalty is obvious: As a tool of revenge it beholds hypocrisy;As a way of retribution,it appears at its loose ends;As a form of utility it seems cruel and is against the basic human rights;In a politi.刑罚所承受的"恶名"是显而易见的:作为报应的工具,刑罚显得虚伪;作为赔偿的手段,刑罚显得无所适从;作为功利的方式,刑罚显得残酷,且违反基本人权。

1.Revenge often recoils on the avenger报复者常常自遭报应
2.Final retribution or revenge.报应最后的报复或复仇
3.One's due, reward, or punishment; requital.报偿,报应一个人应得报酬、报答、惩罚;补偿,赔偿
4.To obtain a return or reward.得到报偿受到报应或得到报答
5."It serves them right."“活该,这叫报应!
6.He got what was coming to him.他受到应得的报应
7.Image of Western Capital in the Sui-Tang Dynasty Presented by Mingbao Ji;《冥报记》报应故事中的隋唐西京影像
8.Crime brings its own fatality with it.做坏事总没好报应
9.the day, hour, moment, etc of retribution报应的日子、 时刻、 瞬间等.
10.Don't worry, he'll get what he deserves.别担心,他会得到报应的。
11.a just punishment(reward)应得的惩罚(报酬)
12.Deserved reward or punishment(应有的)报偿,惩罚
13.Create report of supplier's quotation and provide analysis of the quotations.制作供应商报价汇总,提供报价分析结果及报告。
14.The auditing report and the evaluation report shall be announced to the public.审计报告和评估报告应当向社会公告。
15.Copies of a joint venture's annual accounting statements shall be sent to the original examining and approving agency.年度会计报表应抄报原审批机构。
16.The financial function issues all required financial report.财务部门应编报各项财务报告。
17.Application of Unbalanced Bidding in Supporting Item不平衡报价在措施项目报价中的应用
18.Land owners and users shall provide related materials and it is strictly forbidden to provide false and concealed materials or refuse to provide or delay the delivery of materials.土地所有者或者使用者应当提供有关资料,不得虚报、瞒报、拒报、迟报。

1.The historical viewpoints of death can be summarized as retribution,revenge,deterrent,and prudent.中国古代的死刑观念可以概括为复仇观念、刑罚报应观念、威慑观念、慎刑恤刑观念等四个方面的内容。
2.The viewpoints of the writer are that death penalty stem from the war,develop through theories of revenge and utilitarianism.死刑产生于战争,发展于报应和功利。
1.In form, the books inherit the mutative forms of Buddhism; in content, they follow the models of Buddhist karma and nemesis.话本在形式上承袭了佛教变文的形式 ;内容上以佛教的因缘观和报应观为主要内容和结构模式。
4)contingency forecast应急预报
1.R&D on oil spill contingency forecast information system for Pearl River Estuary;珠江口区域海上溢油应急预报信息系统的开发研究
5)Effect alarm效应报警
6)effect forecast效应预报

报应【报应】 (术语)佛家谓有施必报。有感必应。故现在之所得。无论祸福。皆有报应。又,佛三身中报身应身之二身也。