1.Choice of Route in China s Gradual Progress of Abolition of Death Penalty;中国渐进废除死刑的路径选择
2.The abolition of death penalty has become an unchangeable trend against the background of the development of international human rights.在国际人权发展的背景之下,废除死刑成为不可逆转的态势。

1.Abolish is the act of canceling or removing a law or a rule.废除、撤回(废止或废除法律或规定)
2.The act of making null and void.废除使…作废和无效
3.To cancel or to remove(a law or a rule)废止或废除法律或规定
4.(2) Abolish the bogus constitution;(二)废除伪宪法;
5.(3) Abolish the bogus "constituted authority";(三)废除伪法统;
6.(7) Abrogate treasonable treaties;(七)废除卖国条约;
7.relating to or favoring abolition, especially abolition of slavery.关于或支持废除的,尤指废除奴隶制度。
8.This means abolishment of the annual merit rating and of management by objective.即废除每年成绩评定,废除目标管理。
9.To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law;nullify.废除制定,宣布免除或无效,如婚约或法律;废除
10.overturn existing institutions;废除了现存的制度;
11.repealed Securities Rules已废除的《证券规则》
12.A country that has dispensed with tariff barriers.已废除关税障碍的国家
13.the revocation of laws, contracts, etc法规的废除、 合同的取消.
14.He declared for the abolition of slavery.他赞成废除奴隶制度。
15.the abolition of slavery, hanging奴隶制度、 绞刑的废除.
16.those who want to disestablish the Church of England主张废除英国国教的人.
17.The lifelong official system has been abolished.废除领导干部终身制
18.Slavery was done away with a long time ago奴隶制早已废除了。

1.Then,the influence,which is caused by the thought “to abolish the TCM”,is analyzed for the different stage of TCM.是以中国文化的历史演变为背景,对照观察中医学的发展历程,从过去、现在和未来三个方面进行了探讨,从而分析“废除中医”的思想对中医不同发展阶段的影响。
2.Whether to reserve death penalty or to abolish it is a subject which has been studied for a long time but is still a new one.如果以人权、自由与尊严为终极价值目标的话,那么,从现实的角度出发,与其单纯地提倡保留、限制或者废除死刑,不如重点关注死刑所植根的现实基础。
3.History has proved that abolished College Entrance Examination abruptly had brought deep tragedy to our society.历史证明,冒然废除高考将会给整个社会带来深重的灾难。
1.The Abolishment of Civil Exam and the sears of Chinese Culture in the Early of 20th century;科举制的废除与二十世纪初中国文化的断层
2.At the end of Qing Dynasty,the social opinion had great effect on the abolishment of the imperial examination system.清末科举制度废除前,社会舆论摇旗呐喊,从而为科举制度的废除营造声势。
6)To do away with;annul.废除;废止
