左传,Zuo Zhuan
1)Zuo Zhuan左传
1.The Argument Technique in the Captive s Language of Zuo Zhuan;《左传》俘虏辞令的论说技巧

1.For instance, Zuozhuan (Commentary on Spring and autumn annals by Zuo Qiuming): The 17th Year of Zhao said,如《左传·昭十七年》
2.On "Wei"(唯),"Wei"(惟) and "Wei"(维) in Zuozhuan;《左传》之“唯”、“惟”、“维”
3.The Research on the Relations between Zuo Qiu-ming, Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu;左丘明与《左传》《国语》关系考论
4.The Research of Quoting and Chanting Poems in ZuoZhuan and GuoYu;《左传》、《国语》赋诗、引诗研究
5.Negative Word "Wù" and "Wú" in Annals of Zuo;《左传》否定词“勿”与“毋”研究
6.Ya in Shi Jing from the Quotation of Poems in Zuo Zhuan;从《左传》用《诗》看《诗经》的雅
7.Analysis on "Ying" "Bao" and "Zheng" according to ZuoZhuan;《左传》所载“因”“报”“烝”考辨
8.A tentative research on the divination number of "eight" recorded in Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu;《左传》、《国语》筮数“八”之初探
9.The Writing and Spread of Tso Chuan: Textual Criticism of the Nature of Tso Chuan;《左氏春秋》的撰作与流传——《左传》的性质之考辨
10.On the idea of God s will of “God and Moral Becoming One” in Zuo Zhuan[WT4BZ] -The Nature of the Predictions of Zuo Zhuan;论《左传》“天德合一”的天命观——《左传》预言的本质
11.Debation on "Zhuan" first,"Jing" second --On relationship between "Zuo Zhuan" and "Chun Qiu" by Confucius;先《传》后《经》辨——论《左传》与孔子《春秋》之关系
12.Zuozhuan and the Excellent Traditions in Ancient Chinese Historiography;《左传》与中国古代史学的优良传统
13.Liu Tsung-yüan on Mr Tsuo and Tsuo-Chuan、Kuo-yü and Ch'un-ch'iu柳宗元论左氏与《左传》、《国语》及《春秋》之关系
14.On the View of History of Zuo Zhuan--Concurrently on the Nature of the Divine Dreams and Sorcery and Evaluation of a Man by His Success or Failure;论《左传》的历史观——兼论《左传》神梦巫卜及以成败论人的本质
15.For the passage quoted, see the section in Tso Chuan entitled "The 10th Year of Duke Chuang" (684 B.C.).本文引的一段文章见《左传·庄公十年》。
16.Moving the card upward produces a wave traveling from right to left.卡片向上移动时,波就从右向左传播。
17.Narrate Superiority and Influence of the Biography Written by Zuo's Annalistic Style《左传》编年体结构的叙事优势及其影响
18.The Annotation on The Comment on Ancient Chinese Prose --The Zuo Commentary(一)康熙《古文评论〈左传〉》释义(一)

1.Revelation of "Abdominal Diseases of River Fish" by Zuozhuan in Studying Earlier Chinese Medicine;《左传》“河鱼腹疾”对研究早期中医的启示
2.Elementary discussion on the idea of warrior and advocating domination in Zuozhuan;浅论《左传》的尚武崇霸思想
3.Study on Narrative Inherit form Zuozhuan to Shiji form the Aspect of Human Characteristics Modeling;从塑造人物的角度看《左传》与《史记》的传承
3)Tso Chuan左传
1.Tso Chuan and Keju Examination of Qing Dynasty;清代《左传》经学与科举制度
2.Basic Character of Litigation in the Spring and Autumn Period from TSO CHUAN从《左传》看春秋时期狱讼的基本特征
4)the Zuo Commentary左传
5)Zuo Zhuan《左传》
1.The Characteristics of Euphemistic Language in Zuo Zhuan Pedestrian s Language;《左传》行人辞令中委婉语时代特征探究
6)the Zuo Commentary《左传》
1.The Narrating Pattern of Divination in the Zuo Commentary;《左传》的卜筮叙述模式
2.A Dream of Red Mansions, its commentaries and the Zuo Commentary;《红楼梦》及红学评点与《左传
3.The Zuo Commentary is the first -complete historical work, which is a great contribution to the development of historical works.《左传》是我国第一部完整的历史著作,对历史作出了巨大的贡献。
