1.Cinema of Confession——Analysis of Foucault s theory of confession in Harold and Maude and Coming Home;自白影院——福柯的“自白”理论在《哈罗得和莫得》及《回家》中的运用
2.On the Reconstruction of the Rule of Voluntary Confession;论我国自白任意性规则的再构建
3.Review on Undefined Area of Confession in Englishlaw;自白“灰色地带”的英国法考察

1.a remorseful confession, mood痛悔的自白、 心情.
2.a voluntary statement [confession]自动提出的口供 [自白]
3.Confessions of An Irish Rebel爱尔兰革命者的自白
4.I see. And you're trying to fix it yourself?明白了。你试着自己修吗?
5.He pleaded his innocence.他申辩自己是清白的。
6.She proves that it is pure that herself is.她证明她自己是清白的。
7.What about a white bike?一辆白色自行车呢?
8.I know too well that I got on her tits我很明白自己惹怒了她
9.I know too well that I get on her tits.我很明白自己惹怒了她。
10.undeceive sb. of his mistakes使某人明白自己的错误
11.whiten one's tennis shoes刷白自己的网球鞋.
12.In that case you'll have to clear yourself.那样,你只得自行辩白了。
13.He avowed openly that he was divorced.他坦白承认自己离了婚。
14.make less natural or innocent.使变得不自然或不清白。
15.He exculpate himself from a charge of theft.他辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑。
16.exculpate oneself from a charge of theft辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑
17.automatic hemoglobinometer自动血红蛋白检测仪
18."On a northern peak among white clouds, You have found your hermitage of peace;"北山白云里, 隐者自怡悦;

5)Rule of confession自白规则
6)confessional poetry自白诗
1.Through a combined approach of intertextuality and textual analysis, it looks into the making of a Chinese confessional poetics, in terms of shared authorial thematic and stylistic preferences, in interaction with American confessional poetry school as .如果偏离这种主流的阅读经验,把注意力转向诗歌文本对前文本的重写,采用文本分析和互文理论相结合的方法来挖掘中美自白诗的审美潜质,审视其在中国的接受,就会发现中国诗人在题材和风格方面的共同偏好如何机缘巧合地促成中国“自白”诗的形成,而诗评家把自白标签任意地贴在女诗人身上的做法是不妥的。
2.The thesis concentrates on the research on the autobiographic quality of the confessional poetry of Sylvia Plath, who was an important poet of the important poetry school, the confessional poetry school, in the 20~(th) century in America.本论文的论题集中于对美国20世纪重要的诗歌流派自白派中的重要诗人希尔维亚·普拉斯自白诗的自传性研究。
3.As the founder of American confessional poetry,R.作为美国自白派诗歌创始人的罗威尔·洛厄尔,在他的自白诗中很好地把内在与外在合二为一,过去与现代相互对照、相互隐喻。
