1.Posner s Researches on the Theory of Property Rights and Legal System;波斯纳对产权理论和法律制度的研究
2.How Law Solve the Political Problems——As Viewed from Posner;法律如何解决政治性问题——波斯纳的视角
3.A Comment on Posner s Doctrine aboutE“Economic Analysis of Law”;波斯纳法律经济分析学说述评

1.Analysis to Posner and Coase′s Law and Economics Pattern;对波斯纳与科斯法经济学范式的解析
2.Posner s Researches on the Theory of Property Rights and Legal System;波斯纳对产权理论和法律制度的研究
3.On Elimination Of Morality Straying In Legal Theory;消除法律中的道德迷思——波斯纳的反思
4.Review:Introduction of Bosna s“Economic Analysis of Law”;析波斯纳《法律的经济分析》之导论
5.Posner s Theory About Economics of Law and Its Service as Reference;波斯纳法律经济学思想及其可借鉴性
6.An Analysis of Posner’s Legal and Economic Method对波斯纳法律经济学方法的初步考察
7.Richard A. Posner s Economic Analysis of Law and Legal Pragmatism;论波斯纳的经济分析法学与法律实用主义
8.How Law Solve the Political Problems--As Viewed from Posner;法律如何解决政治性问题——波斯纳的视角
9.On the Utilitarian Foundation of Posner s Economic Analysis of Law;论波斯纳经济分析法学的功利主义基础
10.The Benefit Theory of Crime and Penalty --Analysis on Criminal Law Theory of Bosna;犯罪与刑罚效益论——波斯纳刑法理论解析
11.Opening up of China's Legal Research法学研究的对外开放——以苏力《波斯纳及其他》为例
12.On the Rational Hypothesis and Efficiency Standard of Posner's Economic Analysis of Law论波斯纳法律经济学的理性假定和效率标准
13.Legal Classification and Economic Analysis;法律定性与经济分析——评兰德斯与波斯纳的《侵权法的经济结构》
14.Behavioral Law and Economics:The New Knowledge or the Old:The Debate and Its Significance between Posner and Sunstein行为法律经济学:新知还是旧论——波斯纳与桑斯坦等的论战及其意义
15.The boat set sail on July 5, headed directly for Annapolis.船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。
16.Griffith Joyner set it at Indianapolis in 1988.是格里菲斯·乔依娜在印地安纳波利斯创下的。
17.How have you found the reception from the media here in Indianapolis?你在印第安纳波利斯受到了媒体怎样的接待?
18.Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳塞尔维亚共和国

Meisner wave梅斯纳波
1.Social Norm and Formal Law Under the View of Game Theory:A Study of Ellickson and Eric Posner's Academic Contribution博弈论视野下的民间法与国家法——从埃里克森和小波斯纳的学术贡献切入
4)Veronica persica波斯婆婆纳
1.Characteristics of Vegetative Growth of Veronica persica and Their Contribution to Its Sexual Reproduction;波斯婆婆纳营养生长特点及其对有性繁殖贡献
2.Effect of herbicide on the infection on Veronica persica by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides;低量化学除草剂对菌株QZ-97a侵染波斯婆婆纳的影响
3.Studies on the isolation,identification and pathogenicity of a strain QZ-97a as a biological agent for Veronica persica;波斯婆婆纳生防菌株QZ-97a的分离鉴定与致病性研究
5)Posner theorem波斯纳定理
6)Posner Theory波斯纳理论
1.The concrete angles are four classical theories of law and economics, namely Hand Formula, Nash Equilibrium, Coase Theorem and Posner Theory.具体视角为法经济学的四种经典理论,即汉德公式、纳什均衡、科斯定理和波斯纳理论,基本思路是通过研究在这四种理论语境下执法成本的相关问题,探索出在相应背景下执法成本合理化的路径。
