1.With 17th time whole country of communist party of China represents conference spirit is guide work well university student thought political work;以党的十七大精神为指导做好大学生思想政治工作
2.Constructing campus culture spirit by means of Chinese medical culture;用中医文化构建校园文化精神

1.Esprit de corps.团体精神,集体精神
2.psychoanalytic psychiatry精神分析的精神医学
3.A submergence in Spirit or purification by Spirit.精神洗礼或精神净化
4.Spirits of patriotism, ethos, devotion and struggle consist of the basic connotation of the spirit of China's Resistance War Against Japanese Invasion.爱国主义精神、族精神、献精神、争精神是抗日战争精神的基本内涵。
5.psychoneurotic schizophrenia精神神经症型精神分裂症
6.Supernatural Spirit of Wine and Tragedy Spirit in Nietzsche s Philosophy;论尼采哲学中的酒神精神与悲剧精神
7.Of, exhibiting, or afflicted with insanity.精神病的精神错乱的,显示出或受精神病折磨的
9.The spirit of Xibaipo as a unity of revolutionary and national spirits;西柏坡精神是革命精神与民族精神的统一
10.On the Pioneering Spirit from the Perspective of National Spirit and Time Spirit;试论民族精神和时代精神视角下的创业精神
11.Long March Spirit & MAO Zedong Spirit;长征精神与毛泽东精神——兼论毛泽东精神的形成
12.A Brief Account of the Positive Causal Connection among The Yan anSpririt, the Present Age Spirit and the National Spirit.;略论延安精神与时代精神、民族精神的必然联系
13.The combination of scientific spirit and humane spirit in contemporary society;时代精神的滥觞:科学精神与人文精神交融
14.a generous mind, spirit, etc高尚的心、 精神
15.alcoholic polyneuritic psychosis酒精性多神经炎性精神病;酒精性多神经炎性精神
16.have a high spirit精神好, 有进取心
17.New Way in Psychoanalysis《精神分析新途径》
18.a physically [mentally] handicapped person身体[精神]残障者

1.Comment on the Status, Characteristics and Spirits of Prairie Culture;略论草原文化的地位、特色和精神
1.On Spiritual Value Orientation of the Writers in Different Dynasties;纵论历代作家精神价值取向
2.Based upon the analysis of spiritual connotations indicated by some of the typical architectural buildings,an attempt is made to show how spiritual connotations are to be embodied in China s architectural buildings,for which a research is proposed significantly.通过分析古今中外代表性建筑的精神内涵,试图对当今中国建筑如何体现精神内涵方面,进行有意义的探索。
3.Simaqian is one of the greatest historiographers who has spiritual f reedom .司马迁是一个具有自由精神的伟大的历史学家。
1.Based on analysis of the Hegel s Discussion of the natural beauty ,artistic beauty and the relationship between them, the paper puts forward that the core soul of Hegel s aesthetic ideas is that he greatly stressed the humans freedom and limiitlessness of mind and confirmed strongly human beings spiritual creation.通过对黑格尔关于自然美和艺术美及其二者之间关系的有关论述的分析,我们认为,黑格尔美学思想的精神内核在于他对人的心灵(精神)及心灵(精神)的无限和自由的极度高扬,在于他对心灵(精神)的自由创造的高度肯定。
2.Since 1990 s,globalization and marketization of art production has turned into a historical process,and also a process of common customs,which cannot be reversed and enable art producers to desalt spiritual pursuit or even relinquish soul pursuit,during the course of which Chinese intellectuals have almost sunk into social idlers.90年代以后 ,艺术生产的全球化和市场化似乎是一个不可逆转的历史过程 ,同时也是一个世俗化的过程 ,这使艺术生产者在一定的时期内 ,淡化精神追求或干脆放弃精神追求成为不可避免。
1.Keeping harmony in body and mind is the key thought of Olympism.古希腊人把强壮的体魄视为城邦公民的首要素质,把健美的身躯看作自然界最美的形象,好的身体与好的灵魂必须相互关联,精神的美一定要在身体的美上得到体现。
2.This treatise can be divided into four parts: the first part deals with mind, which was the main concept of Hegel.本文首先分析黑格尔思想中的核心概念──精神,并着重剖析与个人、社会、宗教密切相关的主观精神、客观精神和绝对精神,指出这三种精神是教育者不可回避的问题;同时分析了黑格尔关于人的地位、影响人的发展的若干因素及教育在人的发展中的作用的观点,指出其教育的主要目标是养成理性。
6)Dionysus spirit酒神精神
1.The Dionysus Spirit : The Invocation of Escaping from the Identity Logic of Enlighten Dialectic;酒神精神:逃离启蒙辩证法魔圈的符咒——尼采《悲剧的诞生》的现代性解读
2.Foucault s Existent Esthetics and Nietzsche s Dionysus Spirit;福柯的生存美学与尼采的酒神精神
