1.The immorality of the administrators provides practical emergency to their moralization.行政人员的道德化,是指对行政人员的行政行为的道德规范过程。
2.The creation of the heroine image was conducted through male,moralization and non-family which are all male rhetoric strategies.女英雄的形象塑造是在“雄化”、“道德化”和“非家庭化”这些男性修辞策略之下展开的。
3.The important way to enforce the moral responsibility of the government is to make the political system and the administrative staff moralization .政治制度的道德化、道德责任的制度化及行政人员的道德化是政府道德责任得以实现的重要途径。

1.On legalization of morality and moralization of Law in traditional Chinese culture;论中国传统文化中的"道德法律化"和"法律道德化
2.The second is morals standard construction whose content is democracy' s moralization.以民主的道德化为内容的道德规范建设;
3.The Study of the Relationship between Moral Exuviate, Moral Internalization and Moral Externalization;论道德蜕化与道德内化、道德外化的关系
4.Civil Morality: A Discussion on the Perspectives of Morality Construction s institutionalization;公民道德:道德建设制度化的视域探讨
5.Moral Exhortation--The Key to Successful Moral Education of College Students;道德感化——大学生道德教育成功的关键
6.On LIChun s Moral Education and Recuperation Thoughts;李存的道德教化与道德修养思想探析
7.Codifying Morals-An Important Way of Cultivating Morals at Present;道德法律化:当前道德建设的重要途径
8.Children's Moral "Deep Grammar" and "Moral Education"儿童道德的“深层语法”与“道德教化”
9.Systematization of Competitive Sports Morality and Its Special Form--Moral Contractualization;竞技体育道德制度化及其特殊形式——道德契约化
10.Traditional morality in the process of modernization and modernization of traditional morality;现代化中的传统道德与传统道德的现代化
11.Formation and Internalization of Morals and Implications for Minor Citizens′ Ethical Development;道德养成、道德内化及其对未成年公民道德建设的启示
12.Virtue means moral elements that have come into a person's quality.德性是主体化为个体品质的道德单元。
13.On Shang Yang’s Moralization Thought about "Good Morals and Cultivation";商鞅“德明教行”的道德教化思想论
14.Encouraging Music for Moral Education--Analysis of Moral-Education Idea of Confucian Music Education;兴乐以育德——儒家乐教道德教化观浅论
15.Strengthening the moral supervision and promoting the "Governing the State with Morality;强化道德监督 推进“以德治国”
16.Life of Moral Education--the Proper Choice of School Moral Education生命化德育——学校道德教育的应然选择
17.Moral Education Adaptation-Which is the necessary choice of the school moral education德育生活化——学校道德教育的应然选择
18.Build up the business ethics culture, manage and educate employees on business ethics.建立商业道德文化,管理和教育员工商业道德。

moral exhortation道德感化
1.To achieve the effect of moral exhortation needs to take effective measures.道德感化在大学生道德教育中具有十分重要的作用,也是大学生道德教育成功的关键。
3)moral culture道德文化
1.How to Deal With Chinese Traditional Moral Culture in the New Time;新时期如何正确对待中国传统道德文化
2.On the Historical Conversion and the Time Significance of the Chinese Traditional Moral Culture;论我国传统道德文化的历史转型及其时代意义
3.Based on a survey of students cognition of network,fashion culture and moral culture,this thesis analyzes current culture phenomena and cultural consciousness,points out relevant problems and puts forward some suggestions.通过对西南大学部分学生在网络、流行文化、道德文化三方面认知情况的调查,分析大学校园文化氛围、学生文化意识,指出其中的问题所在,并提出相关建议。
4)Moral externalization道德外化
1.The Study of the Relationship between Moral Exuviate, Moral Internalization and Moral Externalization;论道德蜕化与道德内化、道德外化的关系
5)Moral internalization道德内化
1.On the moral internalization and college students moral education;道德内化与大学生思想品德教育
2.The Study of the Relationship between Moral Exuviate, Moral Internalization and Moral Externalization;论道德蜕化与道德内化、道德外化的关系
3.They promote each other with moral formation as the basis and moral internalization as the intensification at a deep level,hence ensuring the development of proper manners and morals.道德养成和道德内化的内涵、起点和侧重点不同,适合的青少年群体也有差异,但道德养成是道德内化的基础,道德内化是道德养成的深化;两者客观存在着相互作用、相互促进的机制,并通过这种机制来保障道德主体的道德行为习惯养成和道德品质的积淀、确立。
6)moral education道德教化
1.Valuable functions of moral education in combating corruption and promoting honesty;试论道德教化在反腐倡廉中的价值功能
2.Laying stress on the moral education,culturing t he humanistic spirit of working hard,keeping good relation with the mass,making ratio nal contribution,and possessing th e life -long ideal,etc.民营企业要做大做强必须注重企业文化的建设和培养人文精神的培养,在民营企业中注重道德教化,培植敬业乐群、合理奉献和人生理想等人文精神,可以使企业文化建设具有更加深厚的底蕴。
3.However,no one wanted to chose martyrdom in Qin Dynasty by the Taoism,which is norms of adjusting the people s behaviors,and the moral education was neglected,which caused the moral degeneration of the upper class in Qin Dynasty and the perishing of the Qin Dynasty.只有秦朝灭亡的时候找不到一个殉节的君王和臣子,原因就在于秦国和秦朝长期推行法家文化,过分强调以利益规范人与人之间的关系,而忽视道德教化,尤其是节操教育。

道德社会化  个体将社会道德规范逐渐内化为自己的行为准则的过程。一般认为,个体的道德性表现为3个方面:①道德情感;②道德判断;③道德行为。道德的具体内容与社会的价值标准有密切联系,在分析某特定社会中个体的道德社会化问题时,必须考虑该社会占主导地位的价值标准。    社会心理学中有关道德社会化的理论有3种:①精神分析论。创始人为S.弗洛伊德,当代代表人物是美国的E.H.埃里克森。弗洛伊德的精神分析理论着重从人格结构的3部分,即本我、自我和超我的发展及其相互关系的角度,论述个体的道德社会化过程。它认为随着年龄的增长,儿童逐渐学到了父母的各种道德观念和行为模式。埃里克森则强调社会文化因素在个体的道德社会化过程中的作用。②认知发展论。创始人为瑞士心理学家J.皮亚热,当代代表人物是美国的L.科尔伯格。皮亚热的认知发展理论重点在于分析儿童道德品质中的认知成分──道德判断。它认为儿童道德判断与智力发展是平行的。道德发展分为两个阶段,即道德判断从他律到自律,从效果到动机;对错误行为的处理,从为惩罚而惩罚到有针对性地采取惩罚措施。科尔伯格则将道德发展分为 3个水平,每一水平又包含2个阶段:第一个水平是前习俗水平,自出生至9岁,此水平的道德价值来自外界事物或权威;第二个水平是习俗水平,9~15岁,此水平的道德价值来自传统上为多数人认可的是非与正误标准;第三个水平是后习俗水平,16岁以上,此水平的道德价值来自普遍的原则与个人内在的良知。③社会学习论。代表人物是美国的A.班杜拉。他认为道德行为是通过学习而获得的,也可以通过学习而改变,决定儿童道德行为的是社会环境条件。