1.A judicial discussion on “Diseases Medically Regarded as Unsuitable for Marriage”;“医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病”法律探讨
2.The formulating of Civil Code and the perfecting of legal system on marriage and spouses;民法典的制定与结婚、夫妻法律制度的完善
3.This review detailed the influence of commom sexually trasmitted diseases(AIDS,Syphilis,Gonorrhea,NGU,Condyloma Acuminatum,Genital Herpes)on marriage and fertility in China,and the treatment of pregnant women with sexually trasmitted diseases.本文阐述了我国常见性病(艾滋病、梅毒、淋病、非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹 )对生育和结婚的影响 ,并提供了妊娠合并性病的处

1.crystal wedding晶婚(结婚15周年)
2.Do you know if he's married?他结婚结婚, 你知道吗?
3."I'm getting married." "Who to?"“我要结婚了。”“和谁结婚呀?”
4.Instrumentum ad matrimonium婚姻文书,结婚证书
5.a marriage feast, settlement婚宴、 结婚授产契约
6.ruby wedding红宝石婚(结婚后第45年)
7.She's engaged married to John.她和约翰订婚 结婚了。
8.a man who is engaged to be married.已订婚将要结婚的男子。
9.a woman who is engaged to be married.已订婚将要结婚的女子。
10."Why, engaged to be married."“哦,订婚就是快要结婚了。”
11.The ceremony or celebration of a marriage.婚礼结婚的仪式或庆典
12.china wedding瓷婚(结婚 20 年纪念)
13.But I think you should propose, get engaged, and married as soon as possible.不过我劝你快求婚,订婚,结婚
14.a wedding anniversary, dress, guest, invitation, present结婚周年纪念、 婚礼女用长服、 婚礼宾客、 婚礼请帖、 结婚礼品.
15."Marrying Sibyl Vane!" cried Lord Henry, standing up and looking at him in perplexed amazement.“跟茜比尔·范结婚
16.a clandestine marriage [arrangement]秘密结婚 [协定]
17.They got married in 1949.是1949年结婚的。
18.Betty had her eyes open when she got married.贝蒂明知结婚的后果,但仍结了婚。

4)To take as a spouse; marry.婚礼;结婚
6)Consanguineous marriage近亲结婚
1.Consanguineous marriage of the .患者父母为近亲结婚者占61。
2.Based on concerning about the ethics and the eugenics,the ban of consanguineous marriage in the Marital Law is wildly accepted by numerous people in our country.出于伦理学和优生学的考虑,我国《婚姻法》禁止近亲结婚的规定,已被广大人民所接受。
