1.Several Factors Affecting Commutation of Julv in Zhangjiashan Bamboo Slips;张家山汉简《具律》中所见影响“减刑”的几个因素
2.There are many non-legitimacy design of factors in China s commutation and parole procedures.我国减刑、假释程序的设计存在着较多的非正当性的因素,保障司法公正、提高诉讼效率是司法改革的目标,文章从减刑、假释启动程序的提请主体以及减刑、假释的初审、终审及其监督两方面入手,对减刑、假释的重构提出了合理的建议。
3.The present legislation,as to commutation system regulation,is uncomplicated and lacks of procedural guarantee and operation mechanism.我国现行法律对减刑制度规定疏简,缺乏严密的程序保障和运作机制,减刑制度中受刑人诉权保障不力,必须从减刑审批权配置视角保障受刑人诉权。

1.Reduction of a penalty to a less severe one.减刑减刑到较轻的程度
2.commute a death sentence(to one of life imprisonment)将死刑减刑(改为无期徒刑)
3.The term of fixed-term imprisonment that is reduced from life imprisonment is counted as commencing on the date of the order reducing the sentence.无期徒刑减为有期徒刑的刑期,从裁定减刑之日起计算。
4.Article80 A term of fixed-term imprisonment that is commuted from life imprisonment shall be counted from the date the order of commutation is issued.第八十条无期徒刑减为有期徒刑的刑期,从裁定减刑之日起计算。
5.cop+ [ 2 ] a plea自首,招供(希望减刑
6.No sentence reduction shall be made without due legal process.非经法定程序不得减刑
7.shortening of a prison sentence (because of good behaviour )(囚犯因表现良好而获得的)刑期减免,减刑
8.The prisoner obtained a commutation of his sentence from death to life imprisonment.这个囚犯得到减刑,由死刑改判无期徒刑。
9.He is sentenced to five years, but shall serve only three with remission.他被判了5年徒刑,但减刑后仅服刑3年。
10.A Strategic Study on the Penalty Reduction to Impede Imprisonment Penalty by Pecuniary Penalty罚金刑阻却罪犯自由刑减刑问题的对策研究
11.The young man did his porridge peacefully, earned his remission and came out.那个年轻人安分地服刑,后来获减刑出狱。
12.To change(a penalty, debt, or payment) to a less severe one.减刑改变(刑罚、债务或支付)到较轻的程度
13.Researches on the Perfect of Commutation System in Our Country's prison--Talking about commutation performance in Xinjiang Corps prison我国监狱减刑制度完善研究——从新疆兵团监狱减刑执行情况谈起
14.mitigate the severity of a punishment, sentence, etc减轻惩罚、 刑期等
15.His punishment has been commuted from death to life imprisonment.他的刑罚已从死刑减为无期徒刑。
16.He appealed for ( a ) commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment他已上诉请求将死刑减为无期徒刑.
17.His punishment was commuted from life imprisonment to twenty-five years' imprisonment.他的无期徒刑减轻为二十五年徒刑。
18.His punishment was commuted from death to life imprisonment by the judge法官把他的死刑减为无期徒刑。

commutation of punishment减刑
1.However, actually, in the execution, the standards for the commutation of punishment and parole are so flexible that the possibility of complete enforcement of the life imprisonment is little, so the seriousness and authority of the punishment is weaken and the people s confiden.但在实际执行中,由于减刑、假释标准宽泛而使判处无期徒刑的犯罪人实施终身监禁的可能性几乎不存在,大大削弱了刑罚的严肃性及权威性,并使人们对无期徒刑丧失了应有的信赖感与认同感。
2.But in the current criminal practical, the criminal institutions overused the commutation of punishment as the most efficient adjustment methods, which lead the commutation of punishment abuse.减刑制度是我国的一项重要的行刑制度,也是目前最常用的一项法律奖惩措施。
4)commutation of sentence减刑
1.It is uncommon that commutation of sentence is written explicitly into the penal code in various nations in the world.减刑作为一种制度,被明确写入刑法典,在世界各国并不常见,充分表明了我国对减刑制度的重视。
2.Commutation of sentence, as one of the main components of the enforcement of penalty against criminal laws, and an important mechanism of the enforcement of penalty, as well as a tool of encouragement to appropriate criminals, plays an important indispensable role.减刑作为刑罚执行的重要内容之一,作为一项重要的刑罚执行制度,作为对罪犯适用的一种刑事奖励手段,在整个刑罚执行工作中有着重要的地位和不可替代的作用。
5)commute a death sentence将死刑减刑
6)remission of sentence减刑;减短刑罚
