1.A Brief Elaboration on the Associational Legislation of National Government of Nanjing(1927~1937);南京国民政府(1927-1937)社团立法略论
2.Exploration on the Construction of Higher Vocational College Association;高职院校学生社团建设探析

1.I order my own club jacket.我订购加入社团的社服。
2.community sports and physical recreation association社区康乐体育活动社团
3.Mass Organization and Its Reform in the Political Development Field of Vision政治发展视野中的社团社团改革
4.The construction of college student groups from the angle of group culture;社团文化视角下高校学生社团的建设
5.Associational Cooperation and the Organic Solidarity of Chinese Civil Society;社团合作与中国公民社会的有机团结
6.The analysis on the institutions of higher learning mass organization work and the consideration of its reformation;高校社团工作分析与社团改革的思考
7.On Members' Rights in an Association and Rights and Powers of the Association社团成员的权利与社团的权利和权力
8.A permanent civil, political, or military organization.政治团体,社团,军事机构常设的居民团体、统治集团或军事集团
9.Improving the Instruction of College-Students Associations on the Basis of the "Tutors + Schoolmates" Model;以“社团导师+社团学长”模式完善高校学生社团指导体系
10.Sports Association:Social Support and Relief of Social Pressure;体育社团:社会支持与社会压力的缓解
11.Interest groups are free associations.利益集团都是自由的社团
12.reports of the work of a society or learned body etc.一个社团或学术团体等的工作汇报。
13.Study on the Building the Youth League Branch in the community organization;在学生社团组织中建立团支部的研究
14.The Initial Exploration to the Communist Youth League Building of the Student Associations in Colleges;高校学生社团团建工作的探索和实践
15.Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions FLU港九劳工社团联会〔劳联〕
16.World Christian Life Community世界基督教徒生活社团
17.I invite people to join our club.我邀请人来参加社团
18.I invited people to join our club .我邀请人来参加社团

mass organizations社团
1.Research on Effection of Getting the Social Sustain of the College Student Who Are in College Mass Organizations;参与高校体育社团对大学生获得社会支持的影响研究
2.On the Characteristics of the Mass Organizations of the Republic of China;中华民国社团的基本特征
3.,the paper introduced the thought of mass organizations reform development of Shanxi natural science type.从改革组织体制、管理模式及广开经费来源渠道等方面介绍了我省自然科学类社团改革发展的出路。
3)Mass organization社团
1.On the process of setting up the positive interactive process between the country and society,mass organization is pivot and plays an important role.改革的深入对中国传统的“弱社会,强国家”模式产生了冲击,旧的模式已经不能适应社会的发展,国家和社会之间的关系需要重塑,“小而强国家,大而强社会”关系模式被认为适合中国的国情,在构建国家和社会良性互动过程中,社团是枢纽,起了重要的作用,社团在我国发展的较快但也存在一些问题。
2.Based on the student mass organization s characteristic and function analysis,it summarized the opportunity and the challenge of the university student mass organization which brought to the thought education work,and proposed the corresponding countermeasure.在对学生社团的特点和作用分析的基础上,总结大学生社团给思想政治教育工作带来的机遇和挑战,并提出了相应的对策和思考。
3.This article discussed the location and the working method of student mass organization in university.本文论述了在高校中学生社团的定位及其工作方法。
1.The Rising of Associations and Sports Associations;简论社团和体育社团的兴起
2.Exploration of the necessity of ideological education in associations;初探思想政治教育进社团
3.In recent years,the college associations of our country have increased dramatically.近年来,我国大学生社团出现急剧"升温"状态。
1.Community Construction among College Students;论高校学生社团组织的建设
2.An Essential Bibliography for the Study of the History of the Kaifeng Jewish Community;开封犹太社团史研究文献举要
3.Investigation on the Ognization of Physical Community in Colleges and Universities;高校体育社团组织建设若干问题的调查研究
1.Dicussion on "subject,dominance,and mainstream" of the construction of the corporation of the university;论高校社团建设的主体、主导和主流
2.By bringing the intermediary and organization effect of the rural area corporation,it is beneficial to eliminate the influence of patriarchal clan system in rural area,and cultivate the consciousness of citizen.通过发挥农村社团组织的媒介和组织作用,有利于清除农村的宗法势力对农村法治进程的影响,以及培育农民群众的公民意识。
3.Each corporation can not live in a vacuum in that a corporation and its external relationship represents the legal relationship between corporations and person,other corporations as well as national bureau(mainly government).每一个社团都不是生活在真空中,社团与社会的关系表现为社团社团外的个人、各社团之间以及社团与各国家机关(主要是政府)之间的权利(或权力)义务关系。
