1.!Conclusion: Prostitution has personality basis an.目的:探讨卖淫者与其人格特征之间的关系,为性罪错行为的干预、矫治提供心理学依据。
2.Since the first case of HIV highly publicized in Thailand, HIV has spread along with prostitution .为了吸引游客刺激经济的发展,公开的或隐蔽的性交易迅速泛滥开来,卖淫被看作是一种可接受的职业。

1.those forcing more than one person into prostitution and those repeatedly forcing others into prostitution;强迫多人卖淫或者多次强迫他人卖淫
2.Sexual immorality, especially prostitution.卖淫性关系的不道德,特指卖淫
3.The public opinion condemns prostitution.公众舆论遣责卖淫
4.It was poverty that reduced her to prostitution.是贫困迫使她卖淫
5.Prostitution is on the increase in the city.城里卖淫活动越来越多.
6.The police charged her with soliciting.警方指控她拉客卖淫
7.exercise control over a woman for the purpose of prostitution控制女士进行卖淫活动
8.The extreme poverty forced her to go on the streets极度的贫困迫使她卖淫
9.That is not art, but prostitution.那不是艺术,而是卖淫
10.detention of woman in a vice establishment扣留妇女在卖淫场所内
11.An act of prostitution.卖淫妓女接客的行为
12.Seminar on Action against Traffic in Women and Forced Prostitution反对贩卖妇女和强迫卖淫行动讨论会
13.Convention on the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others抵制贩卖人口和强迫卖淫公约
14.They also engaged in human trafficking and organized prostitution.他们还从事贩卖人口和组织卖淫活动。
15.those seducing, tricking, or forcing abducted women into prostitution, or those selling abducted women to others who in turn force them into prostitution诱骗、强迫被拐卖的妇女卖淫或者将被拐卖的妇女卖给他人迫使其卖淫
16.To offer(oneself or another)for sexual hire.卖淫,使卖淫为愿付钱的嫖客提供某人自己或另外一个人
17.cause or encourage prostitution of a defective促使或鼓励弱智人士卖淫
18.End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism根除亚洲旅游业中儿童卖淫行为组

1.We have not clear or lack of regulations concerning whether it should be punished or not to organize homosexual prostitute and conduct homosexual adultery so as to cause not forceful punishment by the legal departments and not to protect the rights of victims and to damage the social regular order.对于组织同性卖淫行为和奸淫同性行为,是否应当予以刑罚处罚,法律规定不明确甚至缺失,导致司法实践部门意见不一或者对行为人处罚不力,使被害人的权利得不到应有的保护,社会的正常秩序受到破坏。
4)Prostitution and Whoring卖淫嫖娼
1.Prostitution and whoring, as a social phenomenon, is a product of exploiting system, the manifestation of social degeneration, also a shame of civilization advancement.卖淫嫖娼作为一种社会现象 ,是剥削制度的产物 ,是社会腐败的一种表现 ,也是人类文明进步的耻辱。
2.The sexy serrice, the prostitution and whoring are very harmful to the society.:色情陪侍和卖淫嫖娼是商品社会普遍存在的丑恶现象。
1.Analysis of Mental Health Status on 83 Prostitutes.;83例卖淫女SCL-90测试结果分析
2.A Study of the Present Prostitute Group in Our Country;当前我国卖淫女群体研究
3.The proportion of prostitutes in "absolute poverty" is not very large,while most of them are in "considerable poverty".而当前处于"绝对贫困"状态的卖淫女所占比例不大,很多是处于"相对贫困"状态的,不同动机的卖淫女存在不同的心理认识。
6)prostitution phenomena卖淫现象
1.Canadian criminology community has been studying the prostitution phenomena in Canada for a long history,therefore some key trends and research priorities can be identified.加拿大犯罪学界对卖淫现象进行了长期卓有成效的研究,从中可以鉴识出加拿大社会对卖淫现象的态度变迁以及犯罪学界对卖淫现象研究的主要趋势和研究重点。
