1.The powerful maintenance of political order—Analysis on political conflict and political integration of legalists;政治秩序的强力维系——法家政治冲突与政治整合思想探究
2.On the principal thought and influence of Legalists;浅析法家的基本思想及其影响
3.The Concepts of "Righteousness" and "Benefits" Advocated by Confucians, Mohists and Legalists of Pre - Qin Period and Their Immediate Significance;先秦儒墨法家义利观及其现代意义

1.Pan Tianshou was an educator, calligrapher and painter.潘天寿是一个教育家、法家和画家。
2.Comment on the Thought of Management Psychology of the Confucianists、Taoists、Legalists and Military Strategists of Pre-Qin Period先秦儒家、道家、法家、兵家管理心理思想评述
3.At Southern Dynasties,calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligrphic theorist.王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。
4.All up to the Fa School: Legal Thoughts of Shangyang and Hanfei;成也法家,败也法家——商鞅、韩非法治思想异同论
5.A Brief Comment on the Difference of Rule by Law Between the Legalist s and the Modern Definitions;论法家“法治”与现代“法治”的异同
6.From the Proprieties to the Taoist Principle:The Internal Fusion of the Legalists’ Morals从礼法到道法——法家道德的内在融通
7.Enlightenment of Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism to Modern Management道家、儒家、法家思想对现代企业经营管理的启示
8.Zhao Zhiqian (1829-1884) was both a calligrapher and a painter.赵之谦(1829-1884)是书法家兼画家。
9.a number of virtuosos emerged in Chinese calligraphy and painting.出现了开宗立派的专业画家、书法家
10.A specialist in law.法学家法律方面的专家
11.A specialist in Roman or civil law.罗马法专家或民法专家
12.A specialist in grammar.语法专家,语言学专家
13.The National Law and the Non - national Law In the Pattern of Legal Pluralism;法律多元格局中的国家法与非国家法
14.(1871-1922) French novelist.(1871-1922)法国小说家。
15.The Institution of Family Justice:Family Proceeding Independently and Family Courts;家事审判制:家事诉讼程序与家事法庭
16.Institut international de droit d'expression francaise国际法语国家法律协会
17.The state should make laws and regulations and establish a state property management system .国家要制定法律法规.
18.International Association of Lawyers, Jurists and Experts in Air Law国际律师、法学家和航空法专家协会

1.Shen Dao-The Reformatory Thinker in the Course of Transforming Taoism To Legalism;慎到——从黄老到法家转折性的关键人物
2.A Comparison of the Thought of Personnel Management Between Confucianism and Legalism;尚贤与尚功:儒家与法家人事管理思想比较
3.The Concepts of “Righteousness” and “Benefits” in Ideologies of Pre-Qin Confucianism,Mohism,Legalism and in Socialism;先秦儒墨法家义利观与社会主义义利观
3)Legalist School法家
1.On Judging All by Law and Severe but Few Kindness of Legalist School;论法家的“一断於法”和“严而少恩”
2.The Modern Value of the Theory on Human Nature between Pre-Qin Confucianism and Legalist School;先秦儒家与法家人性学说的当代价值
3.The Legalist School in Pre-Qin Dynasty Times: Outstanding Theories in That Extremely Fast-moving Period;先秦法家:剧变时代的极端学说
1.The Theory of Legalist and Confucianism Concerning Government Through Law and its Enlightenment about the Modern Harmonious Notion of Law;法家、儒家关于法的治国思想及其对现代法治和谐的启示
2.Discuss on Using Legalist Thought,Taoism,Confucianism into Modern Enterprise Management;浅谈法家、道家、儒家管理思想在现代企业管理中的运用
3.On the Fusion of Law Concepts of Confucian and Legalist;试论儒家和法家法观念的融合
5)the Legalists法家
1.As a strategy for ruling the country,the Legalists "rule by law" principle in Pre-Qin Days is a concept corresponding the idea of"rule by virtue".先秦法家的“法治” ,虽然在字面上与现代意义的“法治”别无二致 ,但从实质上来看 ,“以法治国”不但与真正的法治精神相去甚远 ,甚至完全是背道而驰。
2.The Confucianists advocated "ruling by humanity", and the legalists advocated "ruling by law" in pre-Qin days.先秦时期,儒家主张“人治”,法家主张“法治”。
3.Differences between the Confucianists thinking of politics and law and that of the Legalists, representing two orientations of ruling strategies, led to different traditions of ruling by virtue and by law, setting the framework of mutual complementation of the two, which witnessed two climaxes respectively during the Han dynasty and the Tang dynasty and gradually became mutual.儒家和法家政治法律思想差异代表了中国先秦时期治国方略的不同路向 ,形成了德治主义与法治主义的不同传统 ,并奠定了儒法互补的基本格局。
6)the Legalist School法家
1.This article tries hard to study the legalist school s "the rule by law" thoughts and modernize them, then discusses how the legalist school s "the rule by law" thoughts have inspired the modern moral education and the moral reconstruction in the reforming society.本文力图通过对历史上法家的“法治”思想的研究和现代化转换,探讨其对现代德育及转型社会中公民道德建设的启示作用。
