1.This paper analyzes and compares the evaluation of institution s performance in land expropriation and transfer,obtaining standard of performance evaluation about local governments preferential way.通过对征用和流转这两种农地非农化方式的绩效评价分析,归纳出地方政府农地非农化偏好方式选择的绩效评价标准,以土地结构效应、经济效应、公平效应为表现,制度经济学的方法为基础,初步提出了现行的地方政府农地非农化偏好方式选择的绩效评价指标体系,并进行了相应的理论分析,提出了相应的政策建议。
2.Accompany with the development of city construction and economy,it is gradually multifarious that the development of land market and land expropriation.伴随着城市建设和经济发展,土地市场开发和土地征用日渐频繁。
3.The frequent adaptation of the school rites to ideology and the forced expropriation by ideology lead to the dullness of the moral .仪式经常表现出对意识形态的迎合或被意识形态强力征用,从而导致道德教育内涵的窄化。

1.bring [call, place] horses into requisition = put horses in requisition =lay horses under requisition征用 [征购] 马匹
2.right of angary中立国财产征用权; 征发权; 非常征用
3.Appeal Board (Land Acquisition)上诉局(土地征用
4.On Land Expropriation and Requisition for the Public Interests;物权法中土地征收征用公共利益研究
5.On Application Of "Jus Rerem" And Improvement About Collection & Expropriation System;《物权法》的实施与征收征用制度的完善
6.On the Right of Land Development Farm Land Expropriation and Compensation System;土地发展权、农地征用及征地补偿制度
7.Ideas on Land Requisition or Collection;关于土地征用或征收问题的几点思考
8.Principle of“Public Interests” in Land Expropriation;土地征收、征用中“公共利益”原则初论
9.On the System of Taking over under the Propeoty Law我国《物权法》规范下的征收征用制度
10.equipment subsidy征用船舶的设备补贴
11.acquisition team [Lands Department]土地征用小组〔地政总署〕
12.Acquisition Section [Lands Department]土地征用组〔地政总署〕
13.The government confiscated the land.政府征用了那片土地。
14.The State expropriated all the oil wells.国家征用了所有的油井。
15.commandeered a plane for the escape;征用一架飞机以逃走;
16.The army requisitioned the citizens for food.部队向居民征用食品。
17.The soldiers commandeered the houses.士兵们征用了民房。
18.It is labelled with the feature TNSLESS.它用TNSLESS特征标明。

1.Discussion on the Direction of Reform of Land Requisition System in China;试论我国土地征用制度的改革方向
2.On Land Expropriation and Requisition for the Public Interests;物权法中土地征收征用公共利益研究
3.The author proposed his own ideas on how to make a good job of mobilization and requisition of civil transport at war time or sudden conditions.作者就未来战时或突发情况下如何搞好民间运力的动员征用提出了自己的看
1.At present, there are many problems in the confiscation of the rural collective land in our country such as too wide range of confiscation, lacking audition procedure in confiscation announcement and enrollment, low compensation standard, the nonstandard management of the distribution and use of compensation fee and the single compensation way for confiscation.当前我国农村集体土地征用存在诸如征地范围过宽、征用公告和登记缺乏听证程序、征地补偿标准过低、征地补偿费的分配和使用管理不规范、征地补偿方式单一等很多问题,研究和解决这些问题,对于维护农民利益和稳定农村社会秩序,完善我国农村集体土地征用立法,建立适应社会主义市场经济体制的新型征地制度,推进我国社会经济和谐发展有非常重要的现实意义。
2.The system on expropriation, confiscation and compensation was established in theconstitutional amendments made in March 2004, this has provided constitutional basisfor improving the related systems.2004 年 3 月的宪法修正案中确立了征收、征用、补偿制度,为在具体法律中进一步完善相关制度提供了宪法依据。
1.Then the system of taking and compensation is essential to the safeguard o.在西方各国,宪法对财产权保障的直接宣示性条款实际上并不重要,重要的是在国家对私人财产实施“征用”时,对私人因此而承担的特别负担给与其公正补偿。
1.The definition of public interest and the establishment of procedure guarantee——to standardize the expropriation system in China;公共利益的界定及程序保障之设置——以规范我国征收征用制度为考察目的
2.To meet the needs of socialist rule-of-law promotion, it is necessary to give a legal definition to show what the intension and the extension are, so that the government can be regulated scientifically and efficiently in carrying out the expropriation.国家征收征用的行为是以社会公共利益为直接目的,政府依照法定程序强制获得他人财产并支付补偿费用的行为。
6)requisition and expropriation征收征用
1.WHO PAY FOR THE PEOPLE?——Several questions about requisition and expropriation under the view of public and civil law;谁为百姓埋单?——公私法交叉视野下征收征用的几个问题简析
2.The system of requisition and expropriation compensation is a important system to protect private proper its and public advantages .公益征收征用补偿是一项重要的公民财产保障制度和利益平衡机制。

征用征用 【征用】国家依法有偿或无偿地取得集体或个人的土地及其他财产所有权的措施。分无偿征用和有偿征用。前者,如征用无主的代管土地等;后者因国家建筑需要,向农民或集体单位征用土地,付给补偿费。在中国,征用列为涉外财产保险、船舶战争险、财产一切险、建筑工程一切险、安装工程一切险、船舶建造保险的除外责任。凡由于国家征用致使保险财产造成的损失,保险公司不负赔偿责任。