1.The auther reconfirms the relations between the possession and the behavior from the social harmfulness which is the essential character of crime and gives some advice about the distinguishing the possess crime in judicial practice.作者从犯罪的本质属性——社会危害性上,探析持有与行为的关系,并针对司法实务中持有型犯罪的区分认定问题提出了自己的建议。
2.The theories of criminal law are built on the foundation of "no conduct,no crime",so based on that premise there is seemingly no need to verify the action of possession.“无行为则无犯罪”是刑法理论的基石,在此预设下持有的行为性似乎不证自明,然而在刑法理论上对持有性犯罪的行为方式到底应归属于作为还是不作为,抑或是第三行为方式则争议较大。

1.holder of record登记持有人 -证券
2.land held by the Government [formerly known as land held by the Crown]政府持有的土地〔前称官方持有的土地〕
3.Holder of government bond or bondholder政府债券持有人呈债券持有
4.Holder of an insurance policy or policy holder保险单持有人或保单持有
5.On Features of Possession and Characteristics of Possessing Commitment;试论持有的性质与持有型犯罪的特征
6.Person who holds a freehold property持有自由保有财产的人
7.Actual holding or occupancy with or without rightful ownership.占有,持有正当或非正当地实际持有或占有
8."""bearer"" means the person in possession of a bill or note which is payable to bearer;"“持票人”指持有以持票人为收款人之票据之人士;
9.The story was slanted in favor of the strikers.这个故事持有对罢工者支持的态度
10.One that holds a card, especially a credit card.持卡人尤指持有信用卡的人
11.a person (such as an author) of enduring fame.一个(例如作家)持有持久名声的人。
12.in the care,charge or possession of(sb)由(某人)照看、管理或持有
13.the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games.赌场或庄家持有的资产。
14.expenditures during ownership资产持有时间的支出
15.To hold or state as an opinion.持有意见或发表意见
16.purchase in perpetuity购买永久持有权年数
17.land held from the Crown持有从官方取得的土地
18.&Keep existing Breakpoint保持已有断点(&K)

1.The Subjective Characteristics Of The Criminal Holding;持有型犯罪之主观特征研究
2.But it is difficult for employees to buy shares and hold for a long time.企业员工持股是提高劳动者收入的一条重要途径,我国部分企业实施了员工持股计划,但存在着购股资金困难和难以长期持有的问题。
3.There are a number of examples in the lawmaking of the our country of which designate the behavior of hold the particular thing as the crime.将持有特定物的行为规定为犯罪,在我国的立法中已为数不少。
1.Nature of possession in criminal law;论刑法中“持有”的行为性质归属
2.Possession offenses have always been controversial theoretical issues now.持有型犯罪理论问题的争议一直存在,但是,目前刑法学界的关注重心局限于研究如何界定“持有”的行为属性,以及持有型犯罪的定义、范围等层面,而不重视从立法意蕴、规范角度等实质层面评价持有型犯罪。
3.Crime of Ilegally Possessing Dugs is a crime that was established in "On the Decision of Drug Control" in Decembei 28~(th) 1990,made bu NPC Standing Committee,and this crime was included into the new amended Criminal Law in 1997.非法持有毒品罪是在1990年12月28日全国人大常委会颁布的《关于禁毒的决定》中确立的罪名,在1997年刑法修订时纳入了新修订的刑法之中。
1.Examinations on holding character of crime of getting a mount of property unknown——Dicsussing with Mr.Wu guangsheng and Professor Li Baoyue;巨额财产来源不明罪的持有性追问——兼与李宝岳教授、吴光升先生商榷
2.The holding crime is a kind of crime that its main feature is holding gun,ammunit.持有是指主体对物品事实上的支配与控制,它与占有并无本质区别。
3.What the possession crime punish is the holding action,not the station caused by holding.持有是行为,不是状态,持有型犯罪惩罚的是持有行为而不是持有行为所造成的状态;持有是一种作为,不是不作为,更不是所谓独立行为方式,持有型犯罪是一种作为犯罪;持有作为人对物品事实上的控制、支配,要求认识到所持物品的性质和行为的违法性。
5)To have as property; own.持有;拥有

保单持有人保单持有人 【保单持有人】保险单的合法持有者。可以是自然人,也可以是法人。但不一定是被保险人或对保险单上的权益具有所有权的人。因此,不能把保单持有人等同于保单所有人或被保险人。