贾谊,Jia yi
1)Jia yi贾谊
1.Jia Yi s Idea of Benefiting People and Its Referential Significance;贾谊的惠民观及其借鉴意义

1.Jia Yi、Xun Zi s Learning And Huang Lao--on the Jia Yi s academic origin;贾谊、荀学与黄老——简论贾谊的学术渊源
2.The Influence of Former Qin s Confucianism on the Thinking Circle of Early Han Dynasty From Lu Jia to Jia Yi;从陆贾到贾谊:看先秦儒学对汉初思想界的影响
3.Former Residence of Jia Yi to be Restored to Styles and Features of Ming-Qing Dynasties贾谊故居将恢复明清风貌
4.Reporters learned that the renovation of the Former Residence of Jia Yi is preliminarily scheduled to start in 2004.据悉,贾谊故居初步拟于2004年开始修复。
5.The Literary Creation of JIA Yi Under the Literary Range of Version of <Wenxin Diaolong>;《文心雕龙》学术视野下贾谊的文学创作
6.Interpretation of Han Yun Fu from the perspective of Knowledge and Thought Diffusion;知识和思想传播视野中的贾谊《旱云赋》
7.Academic Background of Jia Yi and Formation of His Style of Writing;贾谊的学术背景及其文章风格的形成
8.On Chao Cuo′s Economic Ideology --Concurrently Making Comparison with That of Jia Yi′s;论晁错的经济思想——兼与贾谊思想比较
9.Study on Shi Bing:This Chapter wasn't Plagiarized from Fu-niao Fu《鹖冠子·世兵》篇非抄袭贾谊《鵩鸟赋》辨
10.The Interpretation of Jia Yi's Sao-ti Fu to the Atmosphere of World Sorrow by Qu Yuan贾谊骚体赋对屈原“悲世之风”的解读
11.Byrelegatesto Hunan s Writer QuYuan JiaYi That Have the Influence to the Hunan Culture Spirits;论谪湘文人屈原、贾谊对湖湘文化精神的影响
12.The Research of Jia-Yi Xinshu Antonyms and Hanyu Da Cidian Related Items;贾谊《新书》反义词及《汉语大词典》相关条目研究
13.The Confucian Attitudes Towards Nationalities in the Han Dynasty:Centered on JIA Yi,DONG ZHong-shu and HE Xiu;汉代儒家的民族观——以贾谊、董仲舒、何休为中心
14.The New Defining of Subjects of International Relations from Jia Yi s Populism;从贾谊的民众主义看国际关系主体的重新定位
15.On the Ontology and the Historical Resources of the "Liu" in Jia Yi s Philosophical Thoughts;贾谊哲学中“六”的本源与本体地位及其思想传承
16.On Planning of Historical Humanities House Repair--Taking Former Residence of Jia Yi as an Example历史人文故居修复的规划探讨——以贾谊故居为例
17.Of them, Jia Taifu Ancestral Hall was completed in 1999. The second phase of the project focuses on the renovation of Jia Taifu Residence, and Qingxiang Villa in the garden areas at the Former Residence of Jia Yi.其中贾太傅祠已于1999年修好,二期工程主要是修复贾谊的住所贾太傅宅和园林区清湘别墅。
18.The renovated Former Residence of Jia Yi will occupy an area of 22 mu, more than ten times larger than the current 1.77 mu.修复后的贾谊故居占地22亩,比目前的1.77亩扩大了10多倍。

1.What Causes JiaYi Tragedy;贾谊人生悲剧成因之探究
2.Jiayi s succeeding and developing to Confucianism;论贾谊对儒家思想的继承和发展
3)Jia Yi's thought贾谊思想
4)Jia Yi's Idea of Ritual贾谊礼学
5)Jia Yi's works贾谊作品
6)On Jia Yi the Great Scholar论贾谊
