1.The conclusions is that there are three different types of franchisees on the unknown market and different types of the franchisees would result in variant profit of the franchisor.立足双赢,以资金投入为研究对象,分析特许经营中特许人与加盟商费用收取的博弈过程。
2.In a franchise system,the designition of initial fee and royalty is based on the game of franchisor and franchisee.在特许经营系统中,特许人对加盟费和特许权使用费的设计,是基于特许人与加盟商之间博弈的结果。
3.With a master franchise agreement, the franchisor grants the master franchiseethe right to sub-franchise the franchisor s concept to others within an exclusive territory,thereby creating a three-level franchise relationship.主特许经营(Master Franchising)是一种新的特许经营模式,即在主特许经营协议中,特许人授予主特许人在某一特定区域内独占的、自己开设特许店或向被特许人进行次特许的权利。

1.Franchisee is the natural person or legal person who receives the franchising license from a franchisor to conduct business under the franchisor's trademark or trade name.受许人是指从特许人处获得特许经营权,并且以特许人的商标或商号从事经营的自然人或法人。
2.Security deposit means certain fees collected by the franchisor from the franchisee in order to ensure the performance of the franchise contract by the franchisee.保证金是指为确保被特许者履行特许经营合同,特许人向被特许人收取的一定费用。
3.A franchisor must not falsely borrow the name of Franchising and illegally engage in direct selling activities.特许人不得假借特许经营的名义,非法从事传销活动。
4.Upon expiration of the contract, the security deposit shall be refunded to the franchisee.合同到期后,保证金应退还被特许人
5.Franchisor is the owner of a franchise who transfers the right of conducting business under a trademark or trade name to a franchisee.特许人是特许权的所有者,并且把以某商标或商号名义开展业务的权利转让给受许人。
6.The royalty fee refers to a percentage of gross sales that the franchisee regularly pays to the franchisor during the operation.特许权使用费指受许人在经营过程中,按销售总额的一定比例定期向特许人支付的费用。
7.It covers the franchisee's territorial rights, location requirements, training schedule, fees and general obligations of the franchisee and the franchisor etc.主要包括受许人的区域权利、置要求、训进度表、用、许人和特许人的一般义务等信息。
8.Article17: The franchisor and the franchisee, before signing the franchise contract, and during the course of the franchise, shall disclose relevant information in a timely manner.第十七条特许人和被特许人在签订特许经营合同之前和特许经营过程中应当及时披露相关信息。
9.beneficial owner of the royalties特许使用费受益所有人
10.The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development,人事发展特许协会,
11.On the Benefit Right of Applicants: Their Special Permit Management on Natural Resources;自然资源特许经营许可申请人受益权初论
12.Analysis of the infrastructure concession contract when the concessionaire is risk-averse;特许权人风险厌恶条件下的基础设施特许权合约分析
13.Associate of the Institute of chartered shipbrokers特许船舶经纪人学会会员
14.Except in special circumstances, anyone is allowed to enter the building .除特殊情况,允许任何人进入大楼
15.An earlier piece of research by the CIPD,一项人事发展特许协会的早期研究,
16.No one is permitted to have privileges to transgress the law.不允许任何人有超越法律的特权。
17.The appellant will be release on licence after eight month .8个月后上诉人被特许出狱。
18.someone who holds or operates a concession.持有或经营一份特许经销的人。

1.On the basis of exploring the responsibility to be committed by both parties and the reasons causing the breakage for such a relation the author proposes some positive suggestions for establishing a healthy and harmonious relation between the franchiser and franchisee.国际特许经营中受许人与特许人的关系是基于合同产生的一种契约关系 ,两者之间保持一种健康和谐的关系对于特许经营的国际化至关重要。
3)master franchisee主特许人
1.With a master franchise agreement, the franchisor grants the master franchiseethe right to sub-franchise the franchisor s concept to others within an exclusive territory,thereby creating a three-level franchise relationship.主特许经营(Master Franchising)是一种新的特许经营模式,即在主特许经营协议中,特许人授予主特许人在某一特定区域内独占的、自己开设特许店或向被特许人进行次特许的权利。
4)CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter)特许人寿保险人
5)chartered patent agent特许专利代理人
