1.On the official rank and the officials salary of the secretariat in the Song Dynasty;浅述宋朝秘书省的职官地位和俸禄
2.The article will study the hidden rules in the Qing dynasty officialdom parallel with the national system in terms of the qualification,the salary and the ability.从京官的资历、能力以及俸禄入手,可以考察清代官场中与制度并行的潜规则。
3.Professional farmland was a important salary part of local officers in Song Dynasty.职田是宋代地方官员普遍享有的一项俸禄

1.From the Northern Wei's banci to banfeng during the transitional period of salary system北魏从班赐到班俸过渡时期的俸禄
2.A member of the Anglican clergy who is the holder of a cathedral or church benefice; a prebend.受俸牧师持有教堂俸禄的英国圣公会牧师;受俸牧师
3.a canon who receives a prebend for serving the church.为教会服务而受俸禄的加农。
4.induct a clergyman to a benefice使牧师就任有俸禄的圣职
5.The property or tithe providing the endowment for such a stipend.为这种俸禄而提供资金财产或什一税
6.On the Causes of the Development of the Salary System in the Ming Dynasty and its Influence;论明代俸禄制度演变的原因及其影响
7.An Anglican cleric holding the honorary title of prebend without a stipend.名誉牧师持有受俸牧师的名誉头衔但无俸禄的英国圣公会牧师
8.Zi Zhang asked for a view to high rank and good pay。子张向孔子学习做官和取得俸禄的办法。
9.On Changes of Scholar s Emolument and Academic Prosperity in the Warring States;试论战国士人的俸禄变化与战国学术兴盛
10.He had been paid through thirty years to prepare for such an encounter.他吃了三十年俸禄,早已作好了打这场遭遇战的准备。
11.For the most part they had converted their small prebends into sizable paunches.他们中的大部分人已靠着小小的俸禄养成了大腹便便者。
12.Even though his post didn't pay much, he often went to the butcher's shops and bought animals bound for the slaughter.尽管他的俸禄不多,他还是经常去肉店里买一些将要被宰杀的动物。
13.To pay the pope, Leo X, for the irregularity of holding three offices at once, he was obliged to borrow money.因教皇利奥十世同时身兼三职,他不得不借钱支付俸禄
14.The Master said,“It is hard to find a man who has studied for three years without thought of emolument.孔子说:“读书三年,无意于作官得俸禄,这种人是难得的。”
15.The Hidden Rules in the Bureaucracy System from the Perspective of the Qualification,Salary and Ability;从清代京官的资历、能力和俸禄看官场中的潜规则
16.Baoshu descendants generations in family eat salary, received a10- generation uses, often become famous doctor.鲍叔的子孙世世代代在齐国吃俸禄,得到了封地的有十多代,常常成为有名的大夫。
17.As a system, it became a means for such predecessors to accumulate wealth and acquire additional laborers in addition to their salaries.作为一种制度形成之后 ,逐渐成为各级官吏在法定俸禄之外获得财富与劳动力的一种方式。
18.But there are risks in a situation in which all politicians owe their positions to the Kremlin, not to the voters.然而,政治家如果全都把自己的俸禄归功于克里姆林宫而不是选民,就会面临种种危险。

officials' salaries百官俸禄
3)salary for officials官员俸禄
1.As far as the salary for officials in the Song Dynasty is concerned,many scholars since ancient times have explored with various contradictory views from very low to high levels.论文从理性思维或逻辑思维的角度来观照宋代官员的俸禄水平,不局限于前人之说,而是从当时的社会舆论、价值观、俸外收入、做官后的经济效果来考察宋代官员俸禄水平,认为宋代官员俸禄是丰厚的,俸禄的整体水平是较高的。
4)salary punishment俸禄处罚
1.This text investigate the salary punishment of Ming Dynasty, think Ming Dynasty punish operates already norm.本文对明代的俸禄处罚作了考察,认为明代的俸禄处罚运作的已较为规范。
5)the salary system俸禄制
1.The system of salary in the Yuan Dynasty followed the salary systems of the previous dynasties.元朝的俸禄制是在官制和财政税收制度建立和完善的过程中逐步建立起来的 ,元世祖时官吏按品阶支给俸禄 ,至仁宗时最终建立较完备的俸禄体系。
6)changes on salaries of civil officials俸禄变革
