1.An Inquiry into the Causes of the Proliferation of New Bilateralism in Asia-Pacific Region;亚太新双边主义兴起的原因研究——一个政治经济学的分析视角
2.Multilateralism within the framework of ASEAN has been a forbidden zone for ASEAN security strategy and bilateralism becomes the main mechanism for ASEAN security cooperation.东盟框架内的多边主义一直是东盟安全战略的禁区,所以双边主义成为东盟主要的安全合作方式,但在冷战结束以后,东盟内部以及与外部多边合作的趋势越来越明显。
3.The bilateralism is a theory that two countries (or regions) take part in and work out problems by negotiation.双边主义是由两个国家(或地区)参加并协商解决问题的一种理论和主张。

1.From Bilateralism to Multilateralism: A New Model of Relations between China and East Asian Countries;从双边主义到多边主义:中国与东亚关系的新模式
2.From Bilateralism to Multilateralism:Transformation of ASEAN Security Cooperation Mechanism;从双边主义到多边主义:东盟安全合作模式的转变
3.The Political Economy of the New Asia-Pacific Bilateralism;亚太地区新双边主义的政治经济学分析
4.An Inquiry into the Causes of the Proliferation of New Bilateralism in Asia-Pacific Region;亚太新双边主义兴起的原因研究——一个政治经济学的分析视角
5.A New Model of Regional Integration "Hub & Spoke" Bilateralism;区域经济一体化新模式——“轮轴—辐条”双边主义的理论与实证分析
6.Bilateral Opportunism and Regulation in the Process of Privatization of Network Utilities;网络型公用事业民营化中的双边机会主义与双边规制
7.“Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamism”and Their“Three Doctrines”--About the Security of the Peripheral Areas of XinJiang;“双泛”与“三个主义”——兼析新疆周边的安全局势
8.The Research of Network Externality,Asset Specificity,and Opportunism Behavior;网络外部性、专用性投资与机会主义行为——双边锁定与关系持续
9.A Political Economy Analysis on the Upsurge in Establishing Bilateral Free Trade Area:A perspective of New Regionalism;双边自由贸易区热的政治经济学分析——一个新区域主义视角
10.a member of the Fabian Society in Britain.英国费边主义社会成员。
11.However, unilateralism has shown up;但是,单边主义倾向抬头,
12.The struggles between multilateralism and unilateralism kept on going in the UN.联合国内多边主义与单边主义的斗争持续不断。
13.Regionalism and Multilateralism:Review;区域主义与多边主义的关系:文献综述
14.Regionalism,Multilateralism and Economic Integration in Asia;区域主义、多边主义与亚洲经济一体化
15.Sides of the Same Coin-Isolationism and Unilateralism对美国孤立主义与单边主义的再认识
16.Imperialism and colonialism are a twofold evil.帝国主义和殖民主义是双重的罪恶。
17.Doubled Analysis on Realism and Modernism of Lord of The Flies;《蝇王》:现实主义和现代主义的双重梳理
18.“Pan-Islamism” , “Pan-Turkism” and the Movements of Nationality Splittism in Xin Jiang;“双泛主义”与新疆民族分裂主义活动

bilateral opportunism双边机会主义
1.In fact,both monopoly of in network utilities and the government which is the regulator in network utilities may be opportunism,which is bilateral opportunism.实际上,无论是网络型公用事业的垄断经营者还是作为规制机构的政府均可能产生机会主义,即双边机会主义。
1.Regionalism and Multilateralism:Review;区域主义与多边主义的关系:文献综述
2.On the Development and Prospect of Multilateralism in East Asia;东亚多边主义发展及其前景分析
3.The New Ostpolitik: The Implement of Multilateralism in All-Around Way by FRG;新东方政策:联邦德国对多边主义的全面实践
1.Analysis of economic back ground of international unilateralism;国际单边主义行为的经济背景分析
2.Unilateralism or Multilateralism? --the Influence of Iraq War on International Structure;单边主义还是多极化?——析伊拉克战争对国际格局的冲击
5)China's multilateral institutions周边主义
1.Extortion of Spiritual Values by Trick and Force,Perfect Portrayal of Fabianism——Comments on George Bernard Shaw s Play Pygmalion;精神财富的巧取豪夺 费边主义的完美画像——评肖伯纳剧作《卖花女》
