1.Li Bai has actually focused more on how to retire after meritorious service by returning to nature and standing fast at self,which sets a high value at freedom and immortality,because the impel of the prosperous .功成身退的理想是李白企图调和盛唐时代精神与道家哲学的产物,但二者之间的深刻矛盾使得功成身退不可得兼,李白的功成身退因而主要侧重身退,其核心是对自然的归依与坚守,具有自由与不朽的价值指向。
2.Its immortality results from the distinctive depiction of humans who are real and tangible, rich in content, plural-characters, and conforming with common principles of humanity.它之所以能不朽 ,首先就在它卓越地描绘了一些真实可感、具有丰富内涵和多元性格并符合普遍人性原则的人 ;其次是它表现了人类始终面对而回避不了的一个永恒命题 ,即人与命运、人与自我的冲突和搏斗 ;其三是它通过剧中人一系列的思考与忏悔 ,深刻地表现了人对自我的审视、反思以及对人生意义的关怀和重新确认等理性反省意识。
3.This paper focuses on the "phamiacy" meaning of "soul\'s immortality" and "words" in Plato\'s Phaedo and Phaedrus.本文集中探讨《斐多》以及《斐德罗》两篇中出现的带有“φαρμακον”意义的“灵魂不朽”及“文字”,着重从行文中梳理两篇文章在“毒”和“药”两种不同视角上的问题,柏拉图明显利用苏格拉底诊治了当时存在的“哲学病”,并且提供了不同于雅典传统习俗的另一种生活方式。

1.The quality or condition of being immortal.不朽不朽的状态或性质
2.The party is immortal.'党是永生不朽的?”
3.Of or relating to immortality.不朽的,永世的属于或关于不朽
4.They too will be changed from mortal people to immortal beings.他们也将从腐朽的人变成不朽的人。
5.The immortality to which I look, and which my faith doth promise to me, shall be free from the bonds that here must tie my spirit down.我希望的不朽,我向往的不朽,是摆脱了尘世间的精神桎梏的不朽
6.the immortal music of Beethoven.贝多芬的不朽的音乐
7.a poet of enduring greatness一位不朽的伟大诗人
8.Books possess an essence of immortality.书具有不朽的特性。
9.Impressively large, sturdy, and enduring.巨大的、坚硬的和不朽
10.They symbolize immortality and longevity.它们象征着不朽和长寿。
11.It is his enduring masterpiece.这是他的不朽名作。
12.Glorious, pious and immortal memory.光荣、虔诚、不朽的纪念[55]。
13.deathless fame, glory, etc不朽的声誉、 荣誉等
14.The state or quality of being eternal.不朽永恒的状态或性质
15.His fame will never die.他的名声将永垂不朽
16.Do you believe in the immortality of the soul?你相信灵魂不朽吗?
17.life to the revolutionary martyrs!革命烈士永垂不朽!
18.It will make your powers endure."那将使你的才能不朽

1.The immortal human spirit ——An interpretative reading of Dilsey in The Sound and the Fury;不朽的人的灵魂——解读《喧哗与骚动》中的迪尔西
2.Immortal Image of Jane Eyre;简·爱的不朽形象(英文)
3.In his novel——Immortal,Milan kundera carefully built the tertiary world:the unreal world,the mirror image world and the real world,and penetrate the imagination space to refract extremely to the common people "is immortal" the true meaning and the humanity exists.昆德拉在小说《不朽》中精心营造了三重世界:虚幻世界、镜像世界和现实世界,从而呈现了世人对于不朽的各种追求,指明了人类的存在本质。
3)eternity of works立言不朽
4)eternity of soul灵魂不朽
1.In the eyes of Plato,the education of philosophy can lead people to seek eteral good and honest,and help them acquire eternity of soul.在柏拉图看来,哲学的教化能够引导人以理性的态度追寻永恒之善良,实现灵魂的不朽;而诗的教化则只会煽动人的非理性,使之陷入流动不止的世俗生活中,从而无法实现灵魂不朽
5)immortality by writing文章不朽
1.The idea of immortality by writing in time horizon——a new analysis about CaoPi s literary concept;时间视野中的“文章不朽”说——对曹丕文学观的一种新解
6)sense of immortality不朽意识
1.What virtually worked the above wonder was his sense of immortality.徐渭曾三次面对死亡的威胁,而三次威胁又激成了其文集自刻活动的三个活跃期,不甘沉沦的不朽意识是形 成这一重叠景观的内驱力。
